Convert Fractions to Percentages | Summary and Q&A

April 1, 2020
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Convert Fractions to Percentages


Learn how to convert fractions to percentages mentally and with a calculator, with step-by-step examples.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ You can mentally convert fractions to percentages by determining how to bring the denominator to 100 and applying the same operation to the numerator.
  • ❓ Some fractions, like 29/93, require a calculator to obtain the precise decimal value for accurate percentage conversion.
  • 🥇 Conversion from decimal to percentage involves multiplying the decimal value by 100, shifting the decimal place.
  • 🎮 The video provides additional resources in the description, including a playlist on fractions and videos on percentages.
  • ❓ Mental methods for converting fractions to percentages can be quick and efficient for specific fraction examples.
  • ❓ It's important to understand the decimal equivalent of fractions before converting them to percentages.
  • ❓ Using a calculator can ensure precise and accurate percentage conversion.


good day welcome to the tech math Channel what we're going to be having a look at in this video is converting fractions across to percentages some of these are going to be able to be done mentally and some of these you'll have to use a calculator for I've looked and seen uh videos where they say you can do these mentally but really they've chosen s... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can you mentally convert a fraction like 13/20 to a percentage?

To convert 13/20 to a percentage mentally, you need to bring the denominator to 100. Since 20 multiplied by 5 is 100, multiplying the numerator by 5 gives you 65%, making the process simple and quick.

Q: What if the fraction is 7/25, how do you convert it to a percentage mentally?

For 7/25, you want to achieve a denominator of 100. Multiplying 25 by 4 gives you 100, so you multiply the numerator (7) by 4, resulting in 28% as the percentage.

Q: How can you convert the fraction 36/600 to a percentage?

To convert 36/600 to a percentage, you need to divide both the numerator and denominator by 6, as 600 divided by 6 is 100. Thus, dividing 36 by 6 gives you 6%, which is the percentage.

Q: Is it always possible to convert fractions to percentages mentally?

While some fractions can be easily converted to percentages mentally, not all can be. For fractions like 29/93, precise conversion requires a calculator to obtain the decimal value before multiplying by 100 to get the percentage.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • This video provides a step-by-step guide on converting fractions to percentages, including both mental methods and calculator techniques.

  • You can convert fractions to percentages mentally by determining how to bring the denominator to 100 and then applying the same operation to the numerator.

  • In some cases, a calculator may be needed to convert fractions to percentages precisely.

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