COMIC BOOK HAUL | Summary and Q&A

July 5, 2015
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A comic book enthusiast shares their recent comic book haul and discusses their excitement about diving into the world of comics.

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Key Insights

  • 👶 The content creator is new to the comic book world and is excited to learn about the terminology and explore different comics.
  • 🔌 They appreciate the vibrant and electric coloring in "Deadly Class" and "Gotham Academy."
  • 🔇 Their struggle to find the second volume of "Young Avengers" highlights the challenge of completing a series or story arc when certain volumes are not easily available.
  • ❓ The content creator is intrigued by the diverse representation in "Miss Marvel."
  • 😑 They express ambivalence towards "The Fade-Out" due to mixed reviews but still hope to enjoy it.
  • 🥰 The concept of falling in love with an android in "Alex + Ada" raises curiosity.
  • ❓ The survival and adventure elements in "The Woods" pique anticipation.


hey guys today I'm bringing you a comic book haul I'm very new to the comic book world and I'm still slowly learning all this terminology about comics for the longest time I've been wanting to get into comics and I've decided that 2015 is the year that I'm going to get into comics and I'm gonna understand everything because it's really confusing wh... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is a trade paperback?

A trade paperback is a collection of several single issues of a comic book series, usually containing around 5 to 6 issues. It allows readers to catch up on a series or story arc in one bound volume.

Q: Which comic book series is the content creator most excited about?

The content creator seems especially excited about "Gotham Academy" and "Lumberjanes: Beware the Kitten Holy" due to their intriguing premises and stunning art styles.

Q: Why is the content creator struggling to find the second volume of "Young Avengers"?

The content creator mentions that they cannot find the second volume of "Young Avengers" anywhere, including popular online platforms like Amazon and Barnes & Noble. They express their frustration and ask for advice or assistance in finding a copy.

Q: What are some common themes or genres in the comic books mentioned?

The comic books mentioned in the haul cover a range of genres, including action-packed crime stories ("Deadly Class"), superhero stories ("Young Avengers," "Miss Marvel"), supernatural adventures ("Gotham Academy"), dystopian sci-fi ("Low"), mystery noir ("The Fade-Out"), and fantasy adventures ("Lumberjanes").

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video is a comic book haul where the content creator shares their recent comic book purchases.

  • They discuss the different trade paperbacks they bought, including "Deadly Class Vol 2," "Young Avengers Vol 1," "Gotham Academy Vol 1," "Miss Marvel: No Normal," "Low Vol 1," "The Fade-Out," "Alex + Ada Vol 1," "The Woods Vol 1," and "Lumberjanes: Beware the Kitten Holy Vol 1."

  • The content creator expresses their excitement and anticipation to start reading and exploring the comic book world.

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