Coffeezilla on the Reaction to His Logan Paul Cryptozoo Videos | Summary and Q&A

March 7, 2023
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Coffeezilla on the Reaction to His Logan Paul Cryptozoo Videos


Logan Paul launches Crypto Zoo, a failed NFT project with promises of passive income, leading to investor backlash.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Influencers like Logan Paul must take financial investments seriously and honor promises made to their followers.
  • 😮 The rise of NFT projects poses risks for investors, especially when associated with celebrity endorsements.
  • 👾 Transparency and accountability are crucial in the crypto space to avoid damaging investor trust.
  • 🖤 The delayed response and lack of action by Logan Paul in the Crypto Zoo saga highlight the importance of immediate accountability.


The Joe Rogan Experience what it's been the reaction like what has been the most uh visceral or violent reaction to What You've uh you've done and exposed I think the biggest story we probably ever broke in was either the FTX stuff that was already kind of going on it's probably the Logan Paul story The crypto Zoo Saga um that was a case where you ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What was the premise behind Logan Paul's Crypto Zoo project?

Crypto Zoo was a blockchain game where users could buy NFT eggs with Zoo tokens, which would hatch into animals earning passive income.

Q: What led to the backlash against Logan Paul regarding Crypto Zoo?

Investors were left disappointed as promises of passive income weren't met, leading to complaints and revelations of criminal involvement.

Q: How did Logan Paul respond to the backlash against Crypto Zoo?

Initially silent, Paul eventually promised refunds totaling $1.7 million but failed to deliver promptly, raising questions about accountability.

Q: What lessons can influencers learn from the Crypto Zoo saga?

Influencers entering the crypto space need to understand the responsibility that comes with financial investments and ensure transparency and accountability.


In this video, the host discusses the most significant stories he has covered, including the FTX scandal and the Logan Paul crypto Zoo Saga. He delves into the case of Logan Paul's failed NFT project, where he promised a fun blockchain game that would earn players money but failed to deliver. The host explains how Logan Paul hired criminals who sold tokens behind the scenes, leading to a backlash and a subsequent offer of refunds. However, there are concerns about the refund process, and the host emphasizes the need for accountability in these situations.

Questions & Answers

Q: What was the biggest story that the host covered?

The host mentions two significant stories, the FTX scandal and the Logan Paul crypto Zoo Saga.

Q: What happened with Logan Paul's NFT project?

Logan Paul launched a project called cryptozoo, a game that claimed to earn players money. People enthusiastically invested in the project based on Logan's reputation as a successful influencer. However, when the expected "hatch day" arrived, half of the eggs did not work, meaning that they did not earn any tokens as promised.

Q: How does egg hatching work in Logan Paul's project?

The egg hatching process involved blockchain coding, where NFTs representing eggs would transform into different NFTs, turning from an egg into an animal randomly. For example, a rhino or a chicken. Players could even crossbreed animals to create unique hybrids.

Q: Did Logan Paul acknowledge the issues with his project?

Initially, Logan Paul remained quiet about the problems with his project. However, after facing severe backlash, he released a video thanking the host for exposing the issues and pledged to make things right. He promised to fix the game and refund $1.7 million to anyone who bought an NFT.

Q: Were the promises fulfilled, and did Logan Paul provide the refunds?

There are two problems with Logan Paul's refund offer. Firstly, the refunds only apply to the NFTs, not the tokens that people also invested in. Additionally, despite his promises, Logan Paul has not provided the refunds yet. The host has reached out to him multiple times without receiving a response.

Q: Is it possible that Logan Paul is still working on the refunds?

While it's theoretically possible that Logan Paul is still gathering the money or finding a legal way to provide refunds, there is frustration and concern about the delay. The longer he waits, the less likely people are to take the refund offer, which raises doubts about his true intentions.

Q: Did Logan Paul have help with the project, or was it solely his idea?

It is assumed that someone approached Logan Paul with the project idea. Text messages and behind-the-scenes information suggest that Logan played a leading role in spearheading the idea. He had a team working with him, some of whom turned out to be criminals.

Q: What is the host's stance on influencers taking responsibility for financial investments?

The host emphasizes that when influencers enter the crypto space and involve financial investments, they must understand the responsibility that comes with it. Taking people's money and promising to make them money entails a different level of accountability. They can't merely shift the blame to someone else and ignore their obligations.

Q: Has the host tried contacting Logan Paul about the refunds?

Yes, the host has reached out to Logan Paul twice, asking about the promised refunds. However, Logan left him on read and did not respond. This lack of communication further highlights the need for accountability and transparency.

Q: Why is it crucial to hold influencers accountable in situations like these?

When influencers take people's money with promises of financial gains, it becomes a matter of livelihood for many investors. Therefore, accountability is essential to ensure the well-being of those involved. The host believes these influencers need to recognize the magnitude of their transgressions and take the issue seriously.


The Logan Paul crypto Zoo Saga exposed the risks of influencers entering the world of financial investments. It demonstrated the importance of accountability and transparency and the potential consequences of not fulfilling promises made to investors. The video highlights the need for influencers to approach their projects responsibly and consider the impact they have on people's lives and financial well-being.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Logan Paul launches Crypto Zoo, promising a blockchain game that earns passive income through NFTs and Zoo tokens.

  • Investors pour millions into the project, only to find that promises are unfulfilled, leading to widespread complaints and an investigation.

  • Paul's initial silence, hiring of criminals, and delayed refund promises cause severe backlash and scrutiny.

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