Chris Gerdes (Stanford) on Technology, Policy and Vehicle Safety - MIT Self-Driving Cars | Summary and Q&A

December 6, 2017
Lex Fridman
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Chris Gerdes (Stanford) on Technology, Policy and Vehicle Safety - MIT Self-Driving Cars


Professor Chris Gerdes discusses the challenges and opportunities in developing autonomous vehicles, including the role of AI, policy implications, and the need for data sharing.

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Key Insights

  • 🚙 The federal automated vehicle policy encourages voluntary guidance and safety assessments as a proactive approach to regulating autonomous vehicles.
  • 👻 Learning algorithms play a crucial role in optimizing vehicle performance and safety, allowing for improved handling and maneuverability.
  • 🚙 Ethical considerations in autonomous vehicles should revolve around reducing risk and prioritizing safety, rather than making moral judgments.
  • 🚙 Data sharing among companies and researchers can accelerate the development of autonomous vehicles by enabling the collection of diverse and valuable datasets.


so today we have Chris Gertie's with us he's a professor at Stanford University where he studies how to build autonomous cars that perform at or beyond human levels both on the racetrack and on public roads so that includes a race car that goes 120 miles an hour autonomously on the racetrack this is awesome he spent most of 2016 as the chief innova... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are the challenges in ensuring safety in autonomous vehicles and regulating their development?

Gerdes explains that the lack of specific standards for autonomous vehicles poses challenges for regulators. The federal automated vehicle policy aims to address these challenges by emphasizing voluntary guidance and safety assessments.

Q: How can AI and machine learning be used to improve vehicle performance and safety?

Gerdes highlights the role of learning algorithms in maximizing the performance of autonomous vehicles. By continuously analyzing data and adapting to changing conditions, vehicles can achieve higher levels of safety and efficiency.

Q: What are the ethical considerations in developing autonomous vehicles?

Gerdes discusses the ethical implications of autonomous vehicles, including the trolley problem and the need for clear guidelines on behavior in critical situations. He suggests that such issues are best addressed through engineering principles rather than moral judgments.

Q: How can data sharing among companies and researchers accelerate the development of autonomous vehicles?

Gerdes emphasizes the importance of data sharing in advancing the safety and capabilities of autonomous vehicles. He references the example of the airline industry's Esaias system as a potential model for sharing anonymized data.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Chris Gerdes, a professor at Stanford University, discusses the intersection of technology and policy in the development of autonomous vehicles.

  • He shares his experience working on a self-driving race car and highlights the importance of learning algorithms for maximizing vehicle performance.

  • Gerdes also explores the federal automated vehicle policy and its emphasis on voluntary guidance, safety assessments, and data sharing.

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