Chinese Strategies to Save 45% with Low Income (Frugal Living) | Summary and Q&A

October 5, 2023
Investor Weekly
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Chinese Strategies to Save 45% with Low Income (Frugal Living)


Chinese families have managed to save almost half of their income by following cultural strategies such as frugality, multi-generational living, and mindful spending.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 The Chinese culture places a strong emphasis on frugality and being prepared for uncertainties, leading to a high savings rate.
  • 👻 Multi-generational living in China allows for shared expenses and reduces the financial burden on individuals.
  • 👪 Chinese families prioritize investing in education for long-term financial benefits.
  • 💳 The use of cash instead of credit cards helps Chinese households avoid accumulating debt.
  • 💝 Gifting cash in China ensures value and eliminates wasteful spending on unwanted gifts.
  • 🤑 Chinese households focus on homemade meals to save money and prioritize healthier eating habits.
  • 🪔 DIY and repurposing items contribute to sustainability and cost savings in Chinese culture.


I love studying people and learning from people so when I discovered the Chinese basically saved a bunch of money I wanted to find out how do these people save so much money the most stunning fact about the Chinese is that in China the gross savings right there is 45.9 as of December 2021 did you know that if an average American adopted Chinese sav... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How do Chinese families manage to save almost half of their income despite earning less than American households?

Chinese families have ingrained cultural values of frugality and being prepared for uncertainties. They prioritize saving for the future and make mindful spending decisions, choosing quality over quantity.

Q: How does multi-generational living contribute to significant savings for Chinese families?

By living with parents and grandparents, Chinese families can share living expenses, including utility bills, groceries, and even mortgages. This reduces the financial burden on individuals and leads to substantial savings.

Q: Why do Chinese families prioritize investing in education?

Education is seen as a critical investment for the future in China. By investing in top-notch education, families believe it will open doors to higher-paying job opportunities and financial security in the long run.

Q: Why do Chinese households prefer using cash over credit cards?

Chinese households choose a cash-centric approach to avoid accumulating debt. They believe in buying what they can afford now, rather than relying on future earnings. This mindset helps them live within their means and avoid financial burdens.

Q: Why do Chinese families emphasize gifting cash instead of other gifts?

Gifting cash ensures that recipients get exactly what they need and eliminates the chances of unwanted or duplicate gifts. It is considered efficient, thoughtful, and economical.

Q: Why do Chinese households predominantly focus on homemade meals?

Homemade meals in China are not just about bonding and rich flavors but also a strategic savings move. Dining out can be expensive, especially in metropolitan areas, so Chinese households prioritize cooking at home using fresh, seasonal, and local ingredients, which are cheaper and healthier.

Q: How does the Chinese practice of DIY and repurposing save money?

The Chinese prioritize repairing, reusing, and repurposing items instead of immediately replacing them. This promotes sustainability and leads to significant cost savings over time.

Q: Why do Chinese cities prioritize public transportation and biking?

Chinese cities have extensive public transit networks and make shared bikes easily accessible. By using public transportation and biking, Chinese individuals can lower transportation costs, minimize expenses related to car ownership, reduce pollution, and improve their overall health.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The Chinese have a gross savings rate of 45.9% as of December 2021, almost five times more than the average American household.

  • The Chinese culture places immense value on frugality and being prepared for uncertainties, leading to a deep-rooted culture of saving.

  • Over 58% of young adults in China live with their parents, enabling them to share living expenses and drastically reduce financial burdens.

  • Chinese families prioritize investing in education for long-term benefits and higher earning potential.

  • The Chinese emphasize the use of cash rather than credit cards to avoid accumulating debt.

  • Gifting cash in China ensures the recipient gets what they need and eliminates the chances of unwanted or duplicate gifts.

  • Chinese households predominantly focus on homemade meals, which are healthier and significantly cheaper than dining out.

  • The Chinese practice DIY and repurposing items to extend their lifespan and promote sustainability, leading to cost savings over time.

  • Chinese cities prioritize public transportation and biking as affordable and eco-friendly alternatives to owning cars.

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