Changing THIS Will Get Your Agency MORE CLIENTS | Summary and Q&A

March 14, 2022
Charlie Morgan
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Changing THIS Will Get Your Agency MORE CLIENTS


Two-call closes in sales are ineffective because they separate the emotional discovery phase from the pitch, resulting in lost opportunities and wasted time.

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Key Insights

  • 😚 Two-call closes separate the emotional discovery phase from the pitch, reducing the prospect's emotional state and willingness to buy.
  • 👨‍🎨 Building emotion and pain during discovery is crucial for successful sales.
  • 🤙 Waiting 24 to 72 hours between calls minimizes the prospect's emotional state and reduces the chances of making a sale.
  • 🤙 Agency owners should focus on thorough exploratory calls rather than qualifying prospects based on their willingness to commit to longer calls.
  • ❓ Sales success relies on effectively transferring emotions and persuading prospects to believe in the solution being offered.
  • 🫥 The speaker emphasizes the importance of being on the front lines of sales rather than hiding behind proposals and administrative tasks.
  • 😚 While two-call closes may work for some, the speaker believes that one-call closes are more efficient and exciting.


hey everyone charlie morgan here and welcome back to another video for the youtube channel um i hope you're well so i wanted to record today's video to tell you why the two cool clothes is just the stupidest thing in the world um if you're doing two cool closes you're losing a lot of money in your agency and i'm going to explain why now first thing... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why does the speaker believe that separating the discovery and pitch phases is a mistake?

The speaker believes that building emotion and pain during the discovery phase is crucial for effective selling. Separating it from the pitch phase diminishes the prospect's emotional state, reducing the chances of making a successful sale.

Q: What is the speaker's opinion on the effectiveness of two-call closes?

The speaker believes that two-call closes are inefficient and costly. He argues that they waste time and potentially harm the relationship with prospects by waiting for days to pitch them after building emotions and pain.

Q: What are the reasons people commonly use two-call closes?

The speaker identifies two common reasons for using two-call closes: pain avoidance and the belief that prospects won't commit to longer discovery calls. However, he argues that pain avoidance is counterproductive, and prospects who won't commit to a 45-minute call are unlikely to be serious buyers.

Q: How does the speaker propose qualifying prospects without using two-call closes?

The speaker suggests that agency owners should talk to anyone and everyone in their niche, regardless of their financial situation. He believes that taking the time to explore a prospect's problem thoroughly is more important than qualifying them based on their willingness to commit to a longer call.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker, an experienced sales professional, explains why he dislikes two-call closes and advocates for a one-call close for high-ticket deals.

  • He believes that separating the discovery and pitch phases in the sales process is illogical, as building emotion and pain during discovery is crucial for successful selling.

  • The speaker argues that waiting 24 to 72 hours between calls diminishes the prospect's emotional state and reduces the chances of making a sale.

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