Carolyn Bertozzi: “When the world is in trouble, chemistry comes to the rescue” | Summary and Q&A

October 5, 2022
Nobel Prize Conversations
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Carolyn Bertozzi: “When the world is in trouble, chemistry comes to the rescue”

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In this interview, Carolyn Bertozzi, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2022, discusses her reaction to winning the prize, her passion for organic chemistry, and the importance of chemistry in solving global challenges. She also reflects on being one of the few women to have been awarded the chemistry prize and shares her optimism about the increasing visibility of women in science.

Questions & Answers

Q: How does it feel to be among chemistry heroes such as Barry Sharpless and Morton Meldahl?

Winning the Nobel Prize in Chemistry and being mentioned alongside Barry Sharpless and Morton Meldahl is an immense honor for me. Both of them have been my chemistry heroes for many years. I vividly remember being captivated by Sharpless' work and hearing him speak at Berkeley during my graduate years. I also studied Meldahl's work on glycopeptide synthesis, which greatly influenced my own research. To be recognized alongside these great minds is truly humbling.

Q: What drives you to explore new directions and start companies?

My passion for organic chemistry and my fascination with biology are the driving forces behind my constant exploration of new directions. Like many others, I have witnessed the suffering of family members and friends due to untreatable ailments. As a scientist, I have always hoped to make contributions that can benefit human health in some way, whether it is in the near future or the distant future. I also enjoy teaching and sharing my knowledge and experiences with others who share my passion for science.

Q: Chemistry sometimes receives a negative portrayal. How do you view its importance?

Chemistry is a central and exciting area of science with immense potential to make an impact in biology, medicine, materials, climate, and sustainability. When the world faces crises, chemistry often plays a key role in finding solutions. The COVID-19 pandemic is a perfect example of the crucial role chemistry plays in addressing global challenges. I believe that by showcasing the exciting and positive aspects of chemistry, we can improve its public image and inspire more people to pursue careers in this field.

Q: As only the eighth woman to win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, what are your thoughts on this achievement?

Being one of the few women to receive the Nobel Prize in Chemistry adds a significant layer of gravity to the occasion. It reminds me of the remarkable women who came before me and made equally important contributions to science, but were not given the recognition they deserved. While I am glad to see the numbers increasing, we need more representation and recognition of women scientists. It is a humbling experience to be recognized alongside other women who have received Nobel prizes, and I am confident that more women will be acknowledged in the future.

Q: In your experience, what advice do you have for breaking through in male-dominated environments?

I am optimistic about the positive change happening in science and its culture. There are now more visible women scientists than before, which gives me great hope for the future. While progress may be slow, I believe that the increasing presence of women in science will continue to break barriers and inspire others. My advice to those aiming to break through in male-dominated environments is to stay determined, seek support from mentors, and actively support and uplift other women in the field. Together, we can make a difference.


Carolyn Bertozzi's interview highlights her shock and excitement upon receiving the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. She shares her passion for organic chemistry, biology, and the desire to make contributions to human health. Moreover, she highlights the central role of chemistry in addressing global challenges and emphasizes the need for broader recognition of women scientists. Despite being one of the few women to have won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Bertozzi remains optimistic about the positive trends in science and encourages others to break through gender barriers in the field. Overall, her inspiring journey and dedication to science serve as a beacon for aspiring scientists, particularly women, everywhere.

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