Olga Tokarczuk: Nobel Prize banquet speech | Summary and Q&A

December 10, 2019
Nobel Prize
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Olga Tokarczuk: Nobel Prize banquet speech

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This video is a speech given by Olga Tokarczuk, the 2018 Nobel Laureate in Literature. She expresses her gratitude to the Swedish Academy and the Nobel Foundation for the honor and reflects on the significance of receiving the Nobel Prize. She also discusses the movie "The Wife" and how it portrays the phenomenon of attributing all the merit to the laureates themselves, when in reality, there are many others who contribute to their success. Tokarczuk acknowledges the support, help, and inspiration she received from various people throughout her writing journey and expresses her gratitude towards her translators. She also emphasizes the connection between scientists and artists, stating that exploring different disciplines can be a source of inspiration. Finally, she pays tribute to the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, Selma Lagerlöf, and all the female creators who bravely defied societal norms and shared their stories with the world.

Questions & Answers

Q: What does Olga Tokarczuk express in her speech?

In her speech, Olga Tokarczuk expresses her deep gratitude towards the Swedish Academy and the Nobel Foundation for honoring her with the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Q: How does she relate her experience to the movie "The Wife"?

Tokarczuk mentions the movie "The Wife" and its depiction of a writer and his wife receiving a Nobel Prize, with the revelation that the wife is the true author of his work. While she clarifies that this isn't the case for her, she points out the phenomenon that prizes often attribute all the merit to the laureates themselves, overlooking the contributions of others.

Q: Who does Tokarczuk thank for their support during her writing journey?

Tokarczuk expresses her gratitude to all the people who supported her throughout her writing journey, including those who took care of her, conducted research, edited her texts, and provided moral support during challenging times.

Q: How does she acknowledge her translators?

Tokarczuk acknowledges the important role of her translators, stating that they will continue to be her most attentive readers, ensuring consistency and pointing out any mistakes she may make.

Q: What does Tokarczuk say about the connection between scientists and artists?

Tokarczuk emphasizes that there isn't a vast gap between scientists and artists. In fact, she found exploring disciplines other than her own to be extremely inspiring and a source of the best ideas.

Q: Who does Tokarczuk pay tribute to?

Tokarczuk pays tribute to Selma Lagerlöf, the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, and all the other women and female creators who defied societal impositions and had the courage to share their stories with the world.

Q: What is the overall message of Tokarczuk's speech?

The overall message of Tokarczuk's speech is one of gratitude, recognition, and solidarity. She highlights the importance of acknowledging the contributions of others, emphasizes the connection between different disciplines, and pays tribute to the trailblazing women who came before her.


Olga Tokarczuk's speech at the Nobel Prize ceremony for Literature in 2018 is a powerful expression of gratitude and recognition. She highlights the phenomenon of attributing all the merit to the laureates themselves, while acknowledging the countless individuals who support, inspire, and contribute to their success. Tokarczuk expresses her gratitude towards her translators, emphasizing their crucial role in her work. She also emphasizes the connection between science and art, stating that exploring different disciplines can be a source of inspiration. Lastly, she pays tribute to Selma Lagerlöf and all the women who defied societal norms to share their stories with the world. Tokarczuk's speech serves as a reminder to always acknowledge and appreciate the collective efforts behind individual achievements.

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