Can you solve the prisoner hat riddle? - Alex Gendler | Summary and Q&A

October 5, 2015
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Can you solve the prisoner hat riddle? - Alex Gendler


A strategic communication plan to save a group of captives from alien captors using hat colors.

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Key Insights

  • 👽 Strategic communication saved the captives from the aliens' test.
  • 🤠 The parity of black hat numbers was crucial to deducing the hat colors.
  • 🤠 The captives used a coded system to convey their hat colors without explicit communication.
  • 🤠 The tallest captive initiated the communication strategy based on observed hat colors.
  • 👥 Collaboration and logical deduction were essential for the group's survival.
  • 🤠 Each captive had a specific role in deducing their own hat color based on the information provided.
  • 👥 The communication plan ensured the success of the group in passing the test.


You and nine other individuals have been captured by super intelligent alien overlords. The aliens think humans look quite tasty, but their civilization forbids eating highly logical and cooperative beings. Unfortunately, they're not sure whether you qualify, so they decide to give you all a test. Through its universal translator, the alien guard... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the captives plan to communicate their hat colors without getting eaten by aliens?

The captives used a strategic communication plan based on the parity of the number of black hats to convey their hat colors without speaking explicitly.

Q: Why was it essential for the tallest captive to begin the communication strategy?

The tallest captive could see everyone's hats and, by stating either "black" or "white" based on the parity of black hats seen, set the tone for the communication strategy to unfold.

Q: What was the significance of ensuring that at least nine captives guessed their hat colors correctly?

The survival of the captives hinged on coordinating their guesses, as at least nine correct answers were required to save the group from being eaten by the aliens.

Q: How did the coded communication system allow the captives to deduce their hat colors accurately?

By establishing a rule based on the parity of black hat numbers, each captive could infer their own hat color from the pattern of responses given by the others in line.


In this video, a group of ten individuals are captured by super intelligent alien overlords. The aliens give them a test to determine if they are logical and cooperative enough to spare their lives. The test involves wearing either a black or a white hat and guessing the color of their own hat based on the hats they can see in front of them. They are not allowed to communicate in any way other than saying "black" or "white." The video reveals a strategy that guarantees everyone's survival.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the test given by the alien overlords?

The test involves wearing either a black or a white hat and guessing the color of their own hat based on the hats they can see in front of them. They have to guess in a specified order without any form of communication other than saying "black" or "white."

Q: What happens if at least nine individuals guess the color of their hat correctly?

If at least nine individuals guess correctly, everyone will be spared.

Q: How does the strategy guarantee everyone's survival?

The strategy involves assigning meaning to the words "black" and "white" that conveys information about the parity of the number of black hats. The person at the back of the line, who can see everyone else's hats, says "black" if they see an odd number of black hats and "white" if they see an even number. Based on this information, each person can deduce the color of their own hat with certainty.

Q: Can you explain the strategy in detail?

The person at the back of the line starts by observing the hats in front of them. If they see an odd number of black hats, they say "black." This conveys to everyone else that the total number of black hats seen by the person at the back is odd. The next person in line takes this information into account and deduces the color of their own hat based on whether they see an odd or even number of black hats in front of them. Each subsequent person uses the information received and deduces their own hat color until it reaches the person at the front of the line.

Q: What happens if the person at the back of the line sees an even number of black hats?

If the person at the back sees an even number of black hats, they say "white." This tells everyone else that the total number of black hats seen by the person at the back is even. Using this information, each person deducts the color of their own hat.

Q: Are the prisoners allowed to have any wrong answers?

Yes, the prisoners are collectively allowed to have one wrong answer. This means that the person at the back of the line may guess their own hat color incorrectly, but this does not affect the overall outcome.

Q: What if the distribution of hats is different?

The strategy works for any possible arrangement of the hats. The first prisoner has a 50% chance of giving a wrong answer about their own hat, but the parities conveyed by their answer allow everyone else to deduce their own hat colors with certainty.

Q: What is the significance of parity?

Parity, whether odd or even, is the key to the strategy. The information conveyed by the person at the back of the line about the parity of the number of black hats allows each subsequent person to adjust their expectations and deduce their own hat color.

Q: Can this strategy be applied to other similar problems?

Yes, the strategy can be adapted to similar problems that involve deducing information based on observed patterns or conditions.

Q: What does the outcome of this test say about the captives?

The successful execution of the strategy demonstrates the logical and cooperative abilities of the captives, satisfying the alien overlords' requirement for sparing their lives.


The video presents a compelling problem-solving scenario where ten captives are tested by alien overlords. By assigning meaning to the words "black" and "white" based on the parity of the number of black hats, the captives develop a strategy that guarantees everyone's survival. This exercise highlights the power of logical thinking, deduction, and cooperation in finding solutions to complex problems.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Ten captives face a hat color guessing test to save themselves from being eaten by aliens.

  • A strategic communication plan involving the parity of black hat numbers saves the group.

  • Using coded communication, the captives deduce their hat colors and successfully pass the test.

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