Can you solve the locker riddle? - Lisa Winer | Summary and Q&A

March 28, 2016
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Can you solve the locker riddle? - Lisa Winer


Uncle's eccentric will involves solving a locker puzzle to inherit his fortune from greedy relatives.

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Key Insights

  • 🧑‍🏭 Factors determine locker status in the inheritance puzzle.
  • 🖐️ Prime numbers play a crucial role in unlocking the safe code.
  • 🤩 Understanding the pattern of factors is key to solving the riddle.
  • 🎟️ Greedy relatives overlook the uncle's message, missing out on the inheritance.
  • 🥺 The protagonist's knowledge of riddles and patterns leads to inheriting the fortune.
  • 🤔 Being observant and quick-thinking is essential in solving inheritance puzzles.
  • 🖐️ Prime numbers are unique and play a significant role in mathematics and puzzles.


Your rich, eccentric uncle just passed away, and you and your 99 nasty relatives have been invited to the reading of his will. He wanted to leave all of his money to you, but he knew that if he did, your relatives would pester you forever. So he is banking on the fact that he taught you everything you need to know about riddles. Your uncle left ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the uncle set up the inheritance puzzle?

The uncle left a note about a locker puzzle where solving it would reveal the safe code for the inheritance, either to share among all relatives or keep for oneself.

Q: What was the significance of the number of factors in determining the lockers to open?

The number of factors determined whether a locker remained open or closed, with lockers having an odd number of factors remaining open, primarily perfect square numbers.

Q: Why were prime numbers essential in cracking the safe code?

Prime numbers were crucial as they had only two factors (1 and the number itself), with the code being the first five prime numbers (2-3-5-7-11), leading to the safe containing the inheritance.

Q: How did the protagonist outsmart the greedy relatives in solving the puzzle?

The protagonist understood the pattern of factors in lockers, recognizing which ones would remain open given the odd or even number of factors, leading to swift unlocking of the safe.


In this video, the protagonist and their 99 relatives are trying to solve a puzzle left by their eccentric uncle in his will. The puzzle involves opening and closing lockers in a certain pattern, and the lockers that remain open at the end hold the solution to a safe. The protagonist is able to quickly determine which lockers will remain open by recognizing the number of factors in each locker number. They also realize that perfect square numbers will always have an odd number of factors, allowing them to identify the lockers that hold the solution. The video ends with the protagonist successfully claiming their inheritance while their relatives remain unaware of the solution.

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the puzzle begin?

In the puzzle, every relative is assigned a number from 1 to 100, and each relative has a turn to open or close certain lockers in a specific pattern.

Q: How does the protagonist know which lockers will remain open?

The key to determining which lockers will remain open is understanding the relationship between the number of times a locker is touched and the number of factors it has. If a locker has an even number of factors, it will stay closed, and if it has an odd number of factors, it will remain open.

Q: Can you provide an example of how the number of factors determines if a locker is open or closed?

Sure! Let's take locker #6 as an example. Person 1 will open it, Person 2 will close it, Person 3 will open it, and Person 6 will close it. The numbers 1, 2, 3, and 6 are the factors of 6. Since 6 has an even number of factors (4), the locker will remain closed.

Q: Why do most lockers have an even number of factors?

Most lockers have an even number of factors because factors naturally pair up. For example, if a number has the factors 1 and 6, it also has the factors 2 and 3. These pairs of factors cancel each other out, resulting in an even number of factors.

Q: Are there any exceptions to the rule of even factors determining if a locker is open or closed?

Yes, the only lockers that have an odd number of factors are perfect square numbers. Perfect squares have one factor that, when multiplied by itself, equals the number. For example, 3 x 3 = 9, and in locker #9, Person 1 will open it, Person 3 will close it, and Person 9 will reopen it. Since 9 is a perfect square, it remains open.

Q: How does the protagonist use the perfect square lockers to solve the puzzle?

The protagonist realizes that the lockers that remain open are the solution to the puzzle. They quickly identify the perfect square lockers by recognizing their odd number of factors, and then open those lockers to find the words inside that hold the solution to the safe.

Q: What is the solution to the puzzle and the safe's code?

The code to the safe is revealed to be the first five lockers that were touched twice. Since perfect square lockers are the only ones touched twice (once to open and once to close), they are the solution. In this case, the solution is lockers 2-3-5-7-11.

Q: How does the protagonist claim their inheritance?

With the solution code in hand, the protagonist informs the lawyer about the first five lockers touched twice. The lawyer then brings the protagonist to the safe, where they input the code and successfully claim their inheritance.

Q: What is the fate of the protagonist's relatives?

The video concludes by mentioning that the protagonist's relatives were too busy being nasty to each other to pay attention to the eccentric uncle's riddles. This implies that the relatives were unable to solve the puzzle and claim the inheritance, leaving the protagonist as the sole recipient.

Q: What is the underlying message or moral of the story?

The story highlights the importance of paying attention to details, being curious, and having a strong understanding of patterns and logic. It also serves as a reminder that being kind and cooperative can sometimes lead to better outcomes than being nasty or competitive.


The puzzle presented in the video demonstrated the concept of factors and how they determine the outcome of opening and closing lockers. By recognizing the pattern and understanding the properties of perfect square numbers, the protagonist was able to quickly solve the puzzle and claim their inheritance. This serves as a reminder of the power of observation, critical thinking, and a solid grasp of mathematical concepts. Additionally, the story emphasizes the potential consequences of negative behavior and the benefits of collaboration and kindness.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Eccentric uncle leaves inheritance solved through locker puzzle.

  • Relatives must follow a specific pattern to determine the safe code.

  • Prime numbers play a crucial role in unlocking the inheritance.

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