Can A Goldfish Drive a Car? Yes! But How? 🐠 | Summary and Q&A

February 6, 2022
Two Minute Papers
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Can A Goldfish Drive a Car? Yes! But How? 🐠


Researchers successfully trained a goldfish to navigate a Fish Operated Vehicle, demonstrating learning capabilities and potential for universal navigation skills across species.

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Key Insights

  • 🐟 Researchers successfully trained a goldfish to navigate a Fish Operated Vehicle (FOV).
  • ❓ The goldfish demonstrated learning capabilities and the ability to correct mistakes.
  • 🛀 Multiple goldfish participants showed significant improvement in finding targets over time.
  • ❓ The study suggests that navigation capabilities may be universal across species.
  • ❓ The findings have potential implications for understanding animal behavior and learning.
  • 😨 The study was conducted with approval from the university and an animal care committee, following government regulations.
  • ❓ The experiment highlights the surprising potential for animals to learn complex tasks.


Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute  Papers with Dr. Károly Zsolnai-Fehér. Today we are going to try to teach a  goldfish to drive a car…of sorts. Now,   you may be asking, are we  talking about a virtual fish,   like one of the virtual characters here?  No-no. This is a real fish! Yes, really.   I am not kidding. This is an experiment where  ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did researchers teach a goldfish to drive a car?

Researchers placed a goldfish in a Fish Operated Vehicle (FOV) that moved in the direction the fish swam. By specifying targets and rewarding the fish when they reached them, the goldfish learned to navigate the car.

Q: How did researchers ensure that the goldfish's proficiency was not just chance?

To test the goldfish's proficiency, researchers randomized the starting point. Despite this change, the goldfish still managed to reach their designated target, indicating that real learning was taking place.

Q: Did the goldfish demonstrate the ability to correct mistakes?

Yes, the goldfish showed the ability to correct mistakes. Over time, they learned from their mistakes and improved their navigation skills.

Q: Was learning observed in multiple goldfish?

Yes, in a multifish experiment, all six goldfish participants showed remarkable improvement in finding targets as they trained for longer periods. The average time taken to reach the targets also decreased rapidly.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Researchers conducted an experiment where a real goldfish was placed in a Fish Operated Vehicle (FOV) designed to move in the direction the fish swims.

  • After training, the goldfish exhibited remarkable navigation skills, reaching specified targets consistently.

  • Further experiments with multiple goldfish showed that learning was taking place, with all participants improving their performance over time.

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