California Coast Sea Forager's Guide | Kirk Lombard | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

October 26, 2016
Talks at Google
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California Coast Sea Forager's Guide | Kirk Lombard | Talks at Google


Kirk Lombard shares his expertise in foraging and fishing on the coast, discussing topics such as herring spawning, clamming, seaweed harvesting, and more.

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Key Insights

  • 🐦 Herring spawning is a significant event on the Northern California coast, attracting various wildlife and bird species.
  • 🎢 Clamming and seaweed harvesting are popular activities along the coast, with certain locations offering clean and safe resources.
  • 🎣 Poke poling is a simple and accessible fishing technique for beginners, involving a stick, wire hanger, and hook.
  • 🦮 Lombard shares personal stories and humorous anecdotes in his book, making it more engaging and entertaining than traditional fishing guides.


[MUSIC PLAYING] KIRK LOMBARD: So let's do that one. This is a famous one, especially if you're in Ireland. And it's really what I am at this point, well, beyond going out to catch my own dinner, I am a fishmonger. I have to accept that that's what I am. I'm a fisherman too, but I'm mostly a fish monger. This book, however, is about how to catch you... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the significance of "Between Pacific Tides" and how did it influence Lombard's book?

"Between Pacific Tides" is a famous book about the intertidal zone of California, written by biologist Doc Ricketts. Lombard was influenced by this book and its writer, which led to the creation of his own foraging and fishing guide.

Q: What is poke poling and how can beginners use this technique?

Poke poling is a traditional Native American fishing technique where a stick with a wire hanger and hook is used to catch fish. Lombard provides instructions on how to set up a poke pole and use it to catch fish along the California coast, making it an accessible technique for beginners.

Q: Can herring be caught in the San Francisco Bay?

Yes, herring can be caught in the San Francisco Bay during the winter months. Lombard explains that these small schooling fish are safe to eat as they do not have time to accumulate toxins. He also mentions the abundance of wildlife and bird activity during herring spawning season.

Q: Does the book provide information on cleaning and preparing fish?

The book does provide some information on cleaning fish, but Lombard acknowledges that there are many instructional videos available online that may be more helpful. However, the book offers recipes and detailed instructions on preparing small fish like rock scallops.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Kirk Lombard, a fisherman and fishmonger, shares his experience and knowledge on catching fish and foraging along the California coast.

  • He talks about his book which is a guide on how to catch your own fish, complete with humorous anecdotes, poems, and scientific data.

  • Lombard covers various topics including herring spawning, clamming, and seaweed harvesting, offering advice and tips on where and how to find these edible resources.

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