Calculating average velocity or speed | Summary and Q&A

November 7, 2019
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Calculating average velocity or speed


Learn how to easily solve speed distance time calculations using a simple formula and practice website.

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Key Insights

  • 🐎 Speed distance time calculations can be solved using the formula time = distance / speed.
  • 🐎 Practice and familiarity with the calculations can improve speed and accuracy.
  • ❓ Converting fractions to improper fractions can simplify the calculations.
  • 🆘 The provided practice website can help improve calculation skills.
  • 🐎 Calculation times can vary, but with practice, speed can be improved.
  • ⌛ Solving time questions may require converting minutes to fractions of an hour.
  • 🤩 Proper understanding and application of the formula is key to accurate calculations.


good day welcome to Tech math channel uh what we're going to be having a look at in this video is some speed distance time calculations this is in response to a email I got if a guy called Nathan pretty much wanted to know how to do these according to this particular website here I'm going to put it in the link down below and I really recommend hav... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What formula is used to solve speed distance time calculations?

The formula used is time = distance / speed. This formula can be applied to various scenarios to find the missing variable.

Q: How can the time be calculated if the speed and distance are known?

To calculate the time, divide the distance by the speed. For example, if the distance is 50 miles and the speed is 25 mph, the time would be 2 hours.

Q: How can the speed be determined if the distance and time are known?

To find the speed, divide the distance by the time. For example, if the distance is 100 miles and the time taken is 4 hours, the speed would be 25 mph.

Q: What should be done when dealing with fractions in speed distance time calculations?

It is important to convert fractions to improper fractions for easier calculation. Simplify the fractions and use equivalent fractions when necessary.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video teaches viewers how to solve speed distance time calculations through the use of a specific formula.

  • The video recommends a practice website for viewers to improve their calculation skills.

  • The video provides step-by-step examples for various types of speed distance time questions.

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