Building Tolerance and Empathy Through Music | Amy Camie | TEDxStLouis | Summary and Q&A

September 22, 2023
TEDx Talks
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Building Tolerance and Empathy Through Music | Amy Camie | TEDxStLouis

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In this video, the speaker explores the power of music in connecting and understanding others. They discuss how listening to music as an expression of another human being can increase self-compassion, tolerance, and empathy. The speaker shares personal experiences with heavy metal music and how it helped them develop a deeper connection with their children. They also explain the concepts of sympathetic resonance and emotional contagion, and how being aware of these phenomena can lead to more mindful listening and a greater understanding of oneself and others. The video concludes by highlighting the importance of using music to foster connections and develop empathy in order to combat feelings of loneliness and disconnection.

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is music considered a universal language?

Music is often described as a universal language because it has the ability to evoke emotions and communicate without the need for words. It transcends cultural and linguistic barriers, allowing people from different backgrounds to connect and understand each other on a deeper level. Music has the power to convey complex emotions and experiences in a way that can be universally understood and felt.

Q: How can listening to music as an expression of another human being increase empathy?

When we listen to music with the intention of understanding the emotions and experiences being conveyed by the musician, we develop a greater capacity for empathy. By actively engaging with the music, trying to comprehend its message, and feeling what sympathetically resonates within us, we become more attuned to the emotions of others. This increased sensitivity and understanding allows us to empathize with others more deeply and share in their feelings.

Q: What is sympathetic resonance and how does it relate to music?

Sympathetic resonance is a phenomena where two objects with the same frequency come into close proximity and create a resonant system, causing them to vibrate or resonate together. In the context of music, this can happen when the listener's own feelings and experiences align with those being expressed in the music. When there is a resonance between the emotions evoked by the music and the listener's internal state, it leads to a profound connection and understanding.

Q: How can music help us feel our own emotions more deeply?

Music has the unique ability to evoke and amplify emotions within us. When we listen to a piece of music that resonates with what we are feeling, it can intensify and validate those emotions, allowing us to fully experience and express them. By embracing and recognizing our own feelings through music, we can develop a greater sense of self-compassion and acceptance.

Q: How does developing empathy through music benefit our relationships?

Developing empathy through music can greatly enhance our relationships with others. When we are able to understand and share the feelings of another person, it creates a deep sense of connection and mutual understanding. By actively listening to music and seeking to understand what the musician is communicating, we develop the skills of tolerance and empathy, which can then be applied in our relationships with family, friends, coworkers, and even strangers. This ability to empathize with others helps foster strong and meaningful connections.

Q: How can listening to music address the issue of loneliness?

Loneliness can have profound effects on our physical, emotional, and mental health. Listening to music in a way that seeks to understand and connect with the emotions being expressed can help alleviate feelings of loneliness. By actively engaging with the music and developing empathy and tolerance, we are able to cultivate a sense of connection within ourselves and with the musician. This sense of connection can then be applied in our relationships with others, combating feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Q: What are some practical steps to incorporate mindful listening to music?

To incorporate mindful listening to music, it is helpful to follow three steps. First, pause and take a moment to truly listen to the music, allowing yourself to feel a connection or resistance. Second, stay open to understanding what the musician is communicating through their music, being receptive to their message. Finally, be curious and seek to find a common string or shared feeling with the musician, allowing yourself to feel more connected and develop empathy. These three steps can be applied not just in listening to music, but in relationships with others as well.

Q: Can you explain the concept of emotional contagion?

Emotional contagion is the rapid spread of emotion from one or a few individuals to others. It is a subconscious phenomenon where we catch the emotions of those around us, often without even realizing it. When we are in close proximity to someone experiencing a strong emotion, we can unconsciously pick up on and mirror that emotion. This phenomenon highlights the power of emotions and how they can impact and influence those around us.

Q: How does self-reflection contribute to developing empathy through music?

Self-reflection plays a vital role in developing empathy through music. By taking the time to reflect on our own emotions, beliefs, and experiences, we become more aware of how they shape our perceptions and interactions with others. Self-reflection allows us to recognize and understand our own feelings and emotions, making it easier to discern them from those of others. This self-awareness provides a solid foundation for empathy, as it allows us to better connect with and share the feelings of others.

Q: How can music create unexpected connections within ourselves and with each other?

Music has the power to create unexpected connections within ourselves and with each other by serving as a bridge of understanding. When we listen to music as an expression of another human being, seeking to comprehend their emotions and experiences, we open ourselves up to new perspectives and connections. By finding common strings or shared stories and feelings with the musician, we can feel more connected within ourselves and with the artist. This connection can then extend to our relationships with others, fostering empathy and creating meaningful connections.


Music has the incredible ability to bridge gaps and connect people on a deep level. By actively listening to music as an expression of another human being, seeking to understand the emotions and experiences being conveyed, we can develop empathy, tolerance, and self-compassion. This mindful listening can combat feelings of loneliness and disconnection, benefiting our overall health and well-being. By pausing, staying open, and being curious in our listening, we can develop stronger connections within ourselves and with others. Music has the power to be a universal language that reminds us of our shared humanity and helps us develop empathy and understanding.

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