Building AI SWARMS with OpenAI's GPTs | Build and sell AI agents in OpenAI store? | Summary and Q&A

January 20, 1970
Wes Roth
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Building AI SWARMS with OpenAI's GPTs | Build and sell AI agents in OpenAI store?


OpenAI has introduced gpts, a stepping stone towards fully autonomous AI agents, sparking a race for builders to create and sell their own autonomous AI bots.

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Key Insights

  • 💋 OpenAI's introduction of gpts as autonomous AI agents marks a significant development in the field of artificial intelligence.
  • 🉐 The open AI store provides an opportunity for builders to monetize their AI bots and gain a competitive advantage.
  • 🤗 The accessibility of AI bot creation without extensive coding knowledge opens up possibilities for a wider range of users to participate in this emerging industry.
  • 😒 The use of AI bots in various applications, such as time management, social media, and e-commerce, is expected to increase significantly.
  • 🤖 Builders who can create valuable and niche-specific AI bots have the potential to earn substantial income.
  • 🔶 Integration with services like Zapier enables automation on a larger scale, expanding the range of tasks AI bots can perform.
  • 😚 The availability of builder profiles and websites within the open AI platform allows for more personalized interactions and closer relationships with users.
  • 🎁 Early movers in creating and selling AI bots have the advantage of first-mover benefits, similar to early app developers in the early days of the App Store.


so open AI Unleashed something huge on the world yesterday I'm not sure if everybody truly grasps the scale of what they've done let's take a look now of course there's a bunch of stuff that they've announced we have gbt 4 Turbo it's bigger faster smarter 128k tokens is the new size of the context window which is gigantic we'll come back to that in... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are gpts and how do they differ from fully autonomous AI agents?

Gpts are AI agents that users can create to act on their behalf, but they are not fully autonomous. They serve as an intermediate step towards full autonomy.

Q: How can builders sell their AI bots through the open AI store?

Builders can create a profile with a website link to showcase their AI agents. Initially, verified builders will have their creations featured, but eventually, most people will be able to contribute their own bots.

Q: Do builders need extensive coding or machine learning backgrounds to create AI bots?

While coding and machine learning backgrounds may be helpful, they are not necessary. OpenAI has designed the process to be accessible to non-developers, allowing anyone to create AI bots just by chatting with them.

Q: What potential revenue opportunities are available for builders in the open AI store?

The exact revenue share and pricing model details have not been revealed yet, but it is predicted that builders who create valuable AI bots could earn significant sums of money, potentially reaching millions of dollars.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • OpenAI has released gbt 4 Turbo with a massive context window size, but the biggest impact comes from the introduction of gpts, which act as autonomous AI agents that users can create.

  • OpenAI plans to continue incrementally advancing towards full autonomy, with a cliffhanger announcement for what's to come next year.

  • Builders can sell their AI bots through an open AI store, providing an opportunity for early movers to gain a significant advantage.

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