Brendan Eich: JavaScript, Firefox, Mozilla, and Brave | Lex Fridman Podcast #160 | Summary and Q&A

February 12, 2021
Lex Fridman Podcast
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Brendan Eich: JavaScript, Firefox, Mozilla, and Brave | Lex Fridman Podcast #160


Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript, discusses the origins of the language, its impact, and the challenges faced in its development.

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Key Insights

  • 👋 The tension between theory and engineering is evident in the development of JavaScript, where a mix of good ideas and good execution played a crucial role.
  • 🉐 JavaScript's success can be attributed to its early adoption and the first-mover advantage it gained during the browser wars.
  • 😒 JavaScript's flexibility and ability to evolve contributed to its widespread use and impact.
  • 🪡 The development of JavaScript was driven by the need for a programming language to complement Java and provide a scripting language for the browser.
  • 🖐️ Brendan Eich's collaboration with Netscape and later Mozilla played a significant role in the creation and evolution of JavaScript.
  • 🆘 The rebranding of JavaScript as ECMAScript (ES) helped establish a standardized approach to the language.


the following is a conversation with brendan ike creator of the javascript programming language co-founder of mozilla which created the firefox browser and now co-founder and ceo of brave software which has created the brave browser each of these are revolutionary technologies javascript is one of the most widely used and impactful programming lang... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Brendan Eich come up with the idea for JavaScript?

Brendan Eich's journey into programming began when he helped a friend create a basic program inspired by Star Wars. This experience sparked his interest in programming, leading him to pursue a career in computer science.

Q: What were the challenges faced in the development of JavaScript?

One of the major challenges was the time constraint, as JavaScript had to be developed quickly to keep up with the fast-paced nature of the browser wars. Additionally, incorporating concepts such as first-class functions and ensuring compatibility with different browsers posed significant challenges.

Q: How has JavaScript evolved since its creation?

JavaScript has undergone significant evolution since its creation, with newer versions introducing new features and improvements. This evolution has enabled JavaScript to become a dominant programming language in web development and expand its applications beyond the browser.

Q: How did JavaScript impact the internet and web development?

JavaScript revolutionized web development by enabling dynamic and interactive elements on web pages. It allowed developers to create user-friendly interfaces and perform various tasks directly on the client-side, enhancing the overall user experience.

Q: How did Brendan Eich come up with the idea for JavaScript?

Brendan Eich's journey into programming began when he helped a friend create a basic program inspired by Star Wars. This experience sparked his interest in programming, leading him to pursue a career in computer science.

More Insights

  • The tension between theory and engineering is evident in the development of JavaScript, where a mix of good ideas and good execution played a crucial role.

  • JavaScript's success can be attributed to its early adoption and the first-mover advantage it gained during the browser wars.

  • JavaScript's flexibility and ability to evolve contributed to its widespread use and impact.

  • The development of JavaScript was driven by the need for a programming language to complement Java and provide a scripting language for the browser.

  • Brendan Eich's collaboration with Netscape and later Mozilla played a significant role in the creation and evolution of JavaScript.

  • The rebranding of JavaScript as ECMAScript (ES) helped establish a standardized approach to the language.

  • JavaScript's versatility and wide adoption have led to its dominance in web development and its continuous growth as a programming language.


In this conversation, Brendan Eich, creator of the JavaScript programming language, describes the origins of JavaScript and its impact on the world of programming. He discusses how JavaScript was created as a companion language to Java and its role in making the browser programmable. Eich also talks about the challenges faced in developing JavaScript and the importance of its evolution over time. He touches on the rise and fall of other technologies like Flash and the significance of worse is better principle in the success of JavaScript. Overall, this conversation provides insights into the history and significance of JavaScript in the world of programming and the web.

Questions & Answers

Q: When did Brendan Eich first fall in love with programming?

Brendan Eich didn't program a lot in high school, but he became interested in programming when a friend introduced him to the Commodore PET computer. They worked on a simple 2D graphics program together, and Eich was drawn to the mathematical and scientific aspects of programming. His interest in programming grew while he was studying physics in college, and he began hacking on computers and exploring different programming languages.

Q: What was Eich's experience with the Pascal programming language?

Eich describes Pascal as a procedural abstraction language from the 70s that was part of the Algol family. He explains that Pascal had a second life with Turbo Pascal, which became immensely popular. He also mentions that Anders Hejlsberg, who worked on Turbo Pascal, later went on to create C# and TypeScript.

Q: How did Eich become involved with Netscape and the creation of JavaScript?

After working at MicroUnity for a few years, Eich joined Netscape in April 1995. He was initially hired to work on server-side protocols but was thinking about what a companion language to Java would look like. Netscape wanted to make their browser programmable, and Eich saw the need for a scripting language that could interact with Java and be easy for non-expert programmers to use.

Q: Why did Eich choose to make JavaScript look like Java?

Eich explains that Java was the mature language at the time and a powerful component language. By making JavaScript look like Java, they could enable commerce between the data types in Java and JavaScript, which was crucial for their vision. They wanted to create a language that could be used to script and glue components together.

Q: How did JavaScript end up in the browser?

Eich and his team saw the need for a scripting language in the browser that could handle event-driven programming and callbacks. They wanted to make the browser programmable and provide a way for users to interact with web content. JavaScript was designed to run in the main thread of the browser, where the action happens, and enable users to create dynamic and responsive web experiences.

Q: What were some of the challenges faced in developing JavaScript?

Eich mentions that JavaScript was a rushed job, and they had to make trade-offs to meet deadlines. They had to hide the code in HTML to make it work in the browser, and they faced compatibility issues with older browsers. JavaScript also had to evolve over time to address shortcomings and improve its capabilities.

Q: How did JavaScript compare to other technologies like Flash?

Eich acknowledges the impressive technology behind Flash and its tooling capabilities. However, he highlights the importance of worse is better principle in the success of JavaScript. JavaScript gained widespread adoption because it was built into the browser and continuously improved. Flash, on the other hand, relied on plugins and couldn't keep up with the evolving web standards.

Q: What role did JavaScript play in the web's development?

JavaScript played a crucial role in making the web interactive and dynamic. It enabled developers to create engaging user experiences and add functionality to web pages. JavaScript, with its continuous evolution and widespread adoption, has become one of the most popular programming languages and a fundamental part of the web.

Q: How did JavaScript continue to evolve after its initial release?

Eich explains that he spent 20 years working on improving JavaScript through the standards body. They made significant improvements to the language, addressed its limitations, and added new features over time. JavaScript continues to evolve today with new ECMAScript standards and remains a popular and important language in the world of programming.

Q: What were the implications of JavaScript's evolution on other technologies like Flash and Java?

JavaScript's continuous improvement, combined with the worse is better principle, played a role in the decline of technologies like Flash and Java. Developers started focusing on JavaScript and enhancing its capabilities, making it more powerful and versatile. As JavaScript became more capable, it replaced the need for plugins like Flash, and Java's limited interaction with the browser prevented it from adapting and gaining widespread usage.

Q: What is the future of JavaScript?

Eich believes that JavaScript will continue to play a significant role in the world of programming and the web. He predicts that in the future, almost everything will run on JavaScript, making it a fundamental language for building applications and services. JavaScript's continuous evolution and adaptability make it a versatile language that can handle a wide range of programming tasks.


JavaScript, created as a companion language to Java, has become one of the most widely used and impactful programming languages in the world. It enabled developers to make the web interactive, dynamic, and functional. Despite its initial limitations and rushed development, JavaScript's continuous improvement and adoption have solidified its role as a fundamental language for building web applications. It replaced technologies like Flash and has the potential to be a fundamental language for all programming tasks in the future.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Brendan Eich fell in love with programming after helping a friend create a basic program inspired by Star Wars using a Commodore PET computer in the 70s.

  • He studied physics but started hacking on computers and fell in love with programming during his undergraduate years at Santa Clara University.

  • Eich joined Netscape and played a pivotal role in creating JavaScript, which became one of the most widely used and impactful programming languages in the world.

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