Brave New Weed: Adventures into the Uncharted World of Cannabis | Joe Dolce | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

November 28, 2016
Talks at Google
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Brave New Weed: Adventures into the Uncharted World of Cannabis | Joe Dolce | Talks at Google


Weed is more than just a recreational drug; it has implications in criminal justice, health, wellness, and fairness.

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Key Insights

  • 🧑‍⚕️ Cannabis has implications beyond recreation, such as criminal justice, health, wellness, and fairness.
  • 👨‍🔬 Research on cannabis has been hindered by its Schedule I status, but breakthroughs have been made in countries like Israel.
  • 🖐️ The endocannabinoid system plays a crucial role in regulating homeostasis and various bodily functions.
  • 🥺 The legalization of cannabis can lead to smarter products and users, as well as more standardized dosages.
  • 👯 The current drug policy in the US has led to a disproportionate number of people, especially people of color, being incarcerated for cannabis-related offenses.
  • ❓ The legalization of cannabis offers an opportunity for amnesty and restitution for those affected by the drug policy.


hi everyone welcome to talk at Google um I'm schula and I'm excited to bring to you Joe Dolce author of Brave New weed also former editor-in Chief of detail magazine welcome Joe Dolce thank you thank you for having me um you know I spent about four years reporting and working on this book and I and people always say what is the one thing you learn ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Is there any truth to the myth that weed kills brain cells?

While there may be some truth to the fact that THC increases perception, it does not necessarily lead to the death of brain cells. Additionally, CBD, another compound found in cannabis, has anti-inflammatory properties and can be beneficial to overall brain health.

Q: Does weed increase the chances of getting lung cancer?

Although some studies have shown that cannabis deactivates lung capacity, other studies have shown that it can actually expand lung capacity. It's important to consider the quality of cannabis being used and whether harmful substances like pesticides or molds are present.

Q: Are there any benefits of cannabis in treating diseases like diabetes and traumatic brain injury?

Research has shown promising results in the effects of cannaboids on bone healing, type 2 diabetes management, and traumatic brain injury. CBD has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties and may reduce the brain damage associated with traumatic brain injury. However, more research is needed to fully understand the potential benefits.

Q: How will the legalization of cannabis impact the economy and tourism?

States like Colorado have seen significant economic benefits from the legalization of cannabis, including increased tax revenue and job creation. Cannabis tourism is also projected to become a growing market. If California legalizes cannabis, it could have a massive impact on the economy, as it is the world's sixth-largest economy and has a large population.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The author, Joe Dolce, explores the many facets of cannabis beyond its recreational use, including its impact on criminal justice, health, wellness, and fairness.

  • Through personal experiences and extensive research, Dolce delves into the myths and facts surrounding cannabis, debunking misconceptions and uncovering its true potential.

  • Dolce visits research labs in Israel, where he learns about the endocannabinoid system and the healing properties of CBD, as well as the potential of cannabis in bone healing, diabetes management, and traumatic brain injury.

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