BOOKS I'VE READ (NOT SO) RECENTLY! | #22 | Summary and Q&A

January 27, 2020
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Reviews of five books, including The Near Witch, Grave Mercy, The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein, Strange Planet, and A Curse So Dark and Lonely.

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Key Insights

  • ⌛ The Near Witch is an intriguing debut novel from Victoria Schwab, showcasing her growth as a writer over time.
  • 💍 Grave Mercy has its flaws but manages to engage readers with character growth, unexpected twists, and political intrigue.
  • 🍂 The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein falls short in terms of pacing, but captivates with its character development.
  • 🫠 Strange Planet, a collection of comical comics, serves as a mood booster and relatable read for readers having a tough day.
  • 🆕 A Curse So Dark and Lonely offers a fresh take on Beauty and the Beast with its well-developed characters and an expanded plot.
  • 💩 The reviewer acknowledges Kirsten White as a hit or miss author for their personal taste.
  • 🫠 While not groundbreaking, The Near Witch and The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein still have valuable elements that make them worthwhile reads.


you know I thought that I would leave procrastinating in 2019 but here we are in 2020 and I have procrastinated this video and I again have to title this video books I've read not so recently instead of the title books I've read recently because I keep procrastinating this video today I've got five books that I'm gonna be sharing my thoughts on the... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Did The Near Witch live up to Victoria Schwab's other books?

While not as captivating, The Near Witch still showcases Schwab's beautiful writing and is a solid debut novel.

Q: What are the highlights of Grave Mercy?

The character growth, unexpected plot twists, and political intrigue make up for the slow pacing and predictable plot.

Q: Does The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein deliver on its potential?

The book has its captivating moments and character development, but falls short in terms of action and pacing.

Q: What is Strange Planet about and why is it enjoyable?

Strange Planet is a collection of comical comics that depict relatable human experiences, offering a mood boost and genuine laughs.

Q: How does A Curse So Dark and Lonely compare to other Beauty and the Beast retellings?

While the market may be saturated with such retellings, A Curse So Dark and Lonely stands out with its well-developed characters and a plot that goes beyond the original fairy tale.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The Near Witch by Victoria Schwab: A solid debut novel with beautiful writing, although not as captivating as Schwab's other books.

  • Grave Mercy: Despite slow pacing and a predictable plot, the book has character growth, unexpected plot twists, and political intrigue.

  • The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein: While lacking in action, the book offers captivating moments and character development.

  • Strange Planet: A collection of comical comics about mundane human experiences, serving as a mood booster and relatable read.

  • A Curse So Dark and Lonely: A retelling of Beauty and the Beast with well-developed characters and a plot that goes beyond the fairy tale.

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