Boogie Woogie Queen Rocks The Public Piano | Summary and Q&A

October 13, 2021
Brendan Kavanagh
YouTube video player
Boogie Woogie Queen Rocks The Public Piano


An interview with a female boogie woogie player discussing her experience in a male-dominated genre.

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Key Insights

  • 🕵️‍♀️ Female boogie woogie players are relatively rare compared to male ones.
  • 🎼 The interviewee discovered boogie woogie music through her brother and her parents' music preferences.
  • 🤕 She initially started playing classical music at a young age.
  • 🧑‍🎨 The interviewee desires more attention as a female artist in the genre.
  • 🇮🇨 She recently had a successful solo gig at Canary Hall.
  • 🚉 Being interviewed at King's Cross station was coincidental and unexpected.
  • 🗺️ The interviewee is from Switzerland and has traveled to various places for her music.


do do wow do do oh whoa [Applause] do oh do okay do one foreign one [Laughter] oh my goodness of course it is [Applause] you know i knew we were going to meet one of these materials can i give you kids oh my goodness civilians this is where are you what are you doing in king's cross ladies well i had a gig where was it at Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the interviewee find out about boogie woogie music?

She discovered boogie woogie music through her brother's singing and her parents' influence.

Q: What was her experience like being one of the few female boogie woogie players?

She acknowledged that there are more male players in the genre but expressed a desire for more attention as a female artist.

Q: How did she start her musical journey?

She began her musical journey by playing classical music at the age of 16.

Q: Can she share her experience of performing at a solo gig?

She recently performed at a solo gig in Canary Hall and described it as a great experience.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The interview features a female boogie woogie player who started playing classical music at the age of 16.

  • She discovered boogie woogie music through her brother's singing and her parents' influence.

  • Despite being one of the few female players in the genre, she aims to receive more attention.

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