Arm Yourself With Specific Knowledge | Summary and Q&A

March 25, 2019
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Arm Yourself With Specific Knowledge


Obtaining specific knowledge is essential for success, as it enables individuals to leverage their unique skills and interests, leading to higher returns and opportunities for growth.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Specific knowledge, combined with accountability and leverage, is crucial for financial success.
  • 🏑 Schooling and traditional education may not provide the specific knowledge needed to excel in a given field.
  • 🦮 Genuine curiosity, passion, and innate talents guide individuals towards acquiring specific knowledge.
  • ❓ Specific knowledge is often observed by others and can be revealed through personal experiences and interests.
  • 🥺 Pursuing specific knowledge in areas where one excels leads to higher returns and opportunities for growth.
  • 😌 The value of specific knowledge lies in being irreplaceable and having a unique skill set.
  • 🦔 Specific knowledge is found at the edge of knowledge, in areas that are just being figured out or are complex.


you want to talk a little bit about the skills that you need in particular specific knowledge accountability leverage and judgment so the first tweet in this area is arm yourself with specific knowledge accountability and leverage and I'll throw in judgment as well I don't think you covered that in that particular tweet if you want to make money yo... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is specific knowledge important for making money?

Specific knowledge, such as expertise in a particular domain or skill set, allows individuals to stand out from the competition. It provides them with leverage and accountability, resulting in higher earning potential and financial success.

Q: Can specific knowledge be acquired through traditional education?

While some aspects of specific knowledge can be learned in school, the most valuable and interesting knowledge often cannot. It is acquired through personal experiences, observation, and a genuine curiosity for a subject.

Q: How does specific knowledge contribute to personal growth and career advancement?

By capitalizing on their specific knowledge, individuals can excel in their chosen field and continuously develop their skills and expertise. This autonomous growth leads to more opportunities for advancement and fulfillment.

Q: How can one identify their specific knowledge?

It is often observed by others who know the person well and can recognize their unique skills and interests. Introspection and reflection on past experiences can also reveal areas where one excels and finds genuine curiosity, passion, and success.


In this video, the speaker discusses the importance of specific knowledge and its role in achieving success and financial gain. They explain that specific knowledge cannot be taught, but it can be learned through innate characteristics, childhood experiences, or on-the-job training. The speaker also emphasizes the need to focus on one's genuine curiosity and passion rather than following the latest trends or recommendations. They share their own journey of discovering their specific knowledge and how it led them to pursue a career in business and technology.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is specific knowledge and why is it important for making money?

Specific knowledge refers to specialized knowledge or expertise in a particular domain. It is crucial for making money because it sets individuals apart and makes them less replaceable. Unlike generic skills that can be taught and mass-produced, specific knowledge is unique to each person and cannot be easily replicated. Those who possess specific knowledge in high-demand areas have the advantage of being able to command higher pay and leverage their skills for financial gain.

Q: How can one acquire specific knowledge?

Acquiring specific knowledge is not something that can be trained for in a traditional sense. It is often obtained through a combination of innate talents, childhood experiences, and on-the-job learning. Some individuals are born with certain predispositions or talents that align with a specific domain, while others develop them over time through real-world exposure and hands-on experience. It is important to pursue genuine curiosity and passion in order to tap into one's specific knowledge and unlock their true potential.

Q: Can specific knowledge be taught in schools?

While schools play a role in providing foundational education and skills, specific knowledge is not something that can be effectively taught in a traditional classroom setting. Specific knowledge often emerges from the edge of knowledge, where new discoveries and complex problems arise. It requires a deep understanding and immersion in a particular domain, which goes beyond what can be taught in a textbook. Education can serve as a stepping stone to gaining specific knowledge, but true expertise is developed through real-world application and continuous learning.

Q: How does specific knowledge relate to leverage and accountability?

Specific knowledge is closely intertwined with leverage and accountability. Leverage refers to the ability to amplify one's impact or influence by utilizing specific knowledge in a strategic way. When one possesses unique expertise, they can scale their efforts and results, leading to increased financial opportunities. Accountability comes into play as well, as individuals with specific knowledge are more likely to take ownership and responsibility for their actions and outcomes. They understand the value they bring and strive to capitalize on their skills for personal and financial growth.

Q: Does specific knowledge evolve over time?

Yes, specific knowledge can evolve and expand over time. It is not something fixed or static but rather grows as individuals gain more experience and expertise in their chosen domain. As one builds upon their existing knowledge and skills, they can delve deeper into their area of specialization and uncover new insights and opportunities. Specific knowledge is a constantly evolving process of learning, refining, and adapting to stay ahead in a rapidly changing world.

Q: Can specific knowledge be replaced by automation or technology?

While automation and technology advancements can streamline certain processes and tasks, specific knowledge cannot be entirely replaced by machines or robots. Specific knowledge often involves a deep understanding of complex systems, nuanced decision-making, and creative problem-solving, which are difficult for automation to replicate. While technology can enhance and augment specific knowledge, it cannot fully substitute human expertise and intuition, especially in areas that require judgment and context.

Q: How does one identify their specific knowledge?

Identifying one's specific knowledge requires self-reflection and observation. It involves looking back on one's life experiences, interests, and natural abilities to understand what they excel at and enjoy doing. Genuine curiosity and passion play a significant role in discovering specific knowledge. Often, others who know us well, like family or close friends, can also provide insights into our unique strengths and talents that may not be immediately obvious to us.

Q: Can someone develop specific knowledge in an area they are not naturally inclined towards?

While it is possible to develop some level of expertise in an area that one is not naturally inclined towards, it can be more challenging and may not yield the same level of success or fulfillment. Specific knowledge is often fueled by genuine interest and curiosity, which allows individuals to immerse themselves fully in their chosen domain. If one lacks a natural inclination or passion for a particular field, it may be more beneficial for them to focus on areas where they excel and can leverage their existing strengths.

Q: How does specific knowledge contribute to personal and professional growth?

Specific knowledge is a catalyst for personal and professional growth as it allows individuals to stand out and create value in their chosen field. By honing their expertise and becoming recognized as specialists, individuals can command higher pay, enjoy higher job satisfaction, and potentially open up new career opportunities. Specific knowledge also enables individuals to make a meaningful impact in their areas of interest, contributing to their personal fulfillment and sense of purpose.

Q: What role does passion play in discovering and developing specific knowledge?

Passion plays a crucial role in discovering and developing specific knowledge. It acts as a guiding force, leading individuals to explore and dive deeper into subjects they genuinely care about. Genuine curiosity and enthusiasm drive individuals to invest time and effort into honing their skills and gaining expertise in their areas of passion. Without passion, the journey towards specific knowledge may feel forced and burdensome, making it harder to sustain the deep level of commitment required for success.


Discovering and cultivating specific knowledge is vital for achieving success and financial gain. Unlike generic skills that can be taught, specific knowledge is unique and difficult to replicate. It is obtained through a combination of innate abilities, childhood experiences, and on-the-job learning. Genuine curiosity and passion are essential in uncovering one's specific knowledge. By focusing on areas where they excel and have a strong interest, individuals can leverage their expertise to create value and command higher pay. Specific knowledge evolves over time and requires continuous learning and adaptation. Ultimately, embracing and capitalizing on one's specific knowledge can lead to personal and professional growth, fulfillment, and a competitive edge in the modern world.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Specific knowledge, combined with accountability, leverage, and judgment, is crucial for financial success and personal growth.

  • Specific knowledge cannot be taught in schools; it is acquired through innate characteristics, childhood experiences, or on-the-job training.

  • Pursuing genuine curiosity, innate talents, and passion is key to acquiring specific knowledge and achieving success.

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