Arijit Singh Live Symphony Orchestra Concert Tour | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

September 10, 2015
Talks at Google
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Arijit Singh Live Symphony Orchestra Concert Tour | Talks at Google


Arijit Singh discusses his upcoming concert tour with a symphony orchestra, his journey into music, and his favorite singers and inspirations.

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Key Insights

  • 😵 Arijit Singh's concert tour with a symphony orchestra is a unique cross-cultural blend, bringing together Indian and Western music traditions.
  • 🥺 Singh's musical journey showcases the importance of perseverance and talent, as he started from reality shows and gradually established himself as one of Bollywood's leading singers.
  • 👻 Technology plays a significant role in shaping the music industry, allowing for improvements in sound quality and production techniques.
  • 🌱 Singh's passion for music extends beyond singing, as he is experimenting with filmmaking and plans to release a feature-length film soon.
  • 😑 Music is a never-ending journey for Singh, where each song is an opportunity to express himself differently and connect with the audience. He believes in constant creative exploration and growth.
  • 💪 Singh's popularity and impact on fans are evident, as his songs become anthems and elicit strong emotional responses.
  • 🎼 Singh's professionalism and dedication to his craft are evident as he navigates the pressures and expectations of the music industry while staying true to his artistic vision.


[APPLAUSE] KUNAL AGGARWAL: Thank you guys for coming to Google. It's a pleasure having you guys here. ARIJIT SINGH: Well, it's our pleasure. ROSHNI SUCHDE: And our pleasure too. Yes. KUNAL AGGARWAL: But yeah, I know you guys are here on a concert. Do you guys want to talk about it? ROSHNI SUCHDE: Yes. Thank you. We have, yes, we have a concert tour... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Arijit Singh get into music professionally?

Arijit Singh's mother used to sing, and he started his musical journey with classical music. He tried his luck in Bollywood in 2005, and his career took off from there.

Q: Who are Arijit Singh's biggest inspirations?

Singh mentioned his teacher and renowned musicians like Salam and Ali Khan as his inspirations in classical music. He also mentioned his mother and various music composers as influential figures.

Q: How does Arijit Singh prepare for his concerts with such magnitude and talent?

Singh's manager helps him plan his performances, but he also relies on his versatile singing abilities and the popularity of his songs. He aims to cater to a diverse audience, singing in different languages and tailoring his performances accordingly.

Q: How does technology, particularly Google products like YouTube, affect the music industry and Indian music specifically?

Singh acknowledges the positive impact of technology on the music industry, especially in terms of sound quality and production value. However, he suggests that more attention should be given to sound-related developments to further enhance the music listening experience.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Arijit Singh announces his concert tour with a symphony orchestra, performing in seven cities across the United States.

  • Singh talks about his musical journey, starting with his classical training and his entry into Bollywood.

  • He shares his experiences working with different musicians and reality shows, which helped shape his career.

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