Are there universal expressions of emotion? - Sophie Zadeh | Summary and Q&A

July 3, 2018
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Are there universal expressions of emotion? - Sophie Zadeh


Facial expressions are universal and communicate the same meaning across cultures, as tested by psychologist Paul Ekman through research on native peoples and tribes isolated from Western culture.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ˜‘ Facial expressions are composed of approximately 40 muscles in the human face that can create thousands of expressions.
  • πŸ˜‘ Early researchers believed that facial expressions were learned behaviors that varied across cultures, while evolutionary theorists like Silvan Tomkins argued for their universality.
  • πŸ˜‘ Paul Ekman's research on native peoples and tribes provided evidence for universal facial expressions and their consistent occurrence in expected situations.
  • πŸ˜‘ Facial expressions have been found to be universal in blind individuals and in comparisons between humans and non-human mammals.
  • πŸ˜‘ The degrees of expression appropriate for a situation may vary greatly across cultures.
  • πŸ˜‘ Facial expressions serve survival purposes, such as signaling immediate danger through fear and surprise expressions.
  • πŸ˜‘ Expressions also play a role in improving group fitness by communicating internal states.


The 40 or so muscles in the human face can be activated in different combinations to create thousands of expressions. But do these expressions look the same and communicate the same meaning around the world, regardless of culture? Is one person’s smile another’s grimace? Charles Darwin theorized that emotional expression was a common human featur... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Do facial expressions look the same and communicate the same meaning around the world?

Yes, based on research conducted by Paul Ekman, it has been found that facial expressions are indeed universal and convey the same meaning across different cultures.

Q: What did Silvan Tomkins claim regarding affects and facial expressions?

Silvan Tomkins, a personality theorist, insisted that certain affects and their associated facial expressions were universal, contrary to the belief that expressions varied across cultures.

Q: How did Paul Ekman test the universality of facial expressions?

Paul Ekman examined film footage of native peoples and tribes isolated from Western culture, finding their expressions to be both familiar and occurring in expected situations. He also conducted tests with tribes having no prior exposure to Western culture, successfully matching facial expressions with triggered feelings.

Q: Can facial expressions be displayed in the same way by blind people?

Yes, in a study comparing blind and sighted athletes, both groups displayed the same expressions of emotion when winning or losing matches. This suggests that expressions are universal and not dependent on visual cues.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Charles Darwin proposed that emotional expressions are common features of human beings, while many researchers believed that expressions were learned behaviors varying across cultures.

  • Psychologist Paul Ekman tested Darwin's theory by studying native peoples and tribes with no exposure to Western culture, finding that their expressions were familiar and consistent in expected situations.

  • Further research has supported the universality of certain emotional expressions, although the degrees of expression can vary greatly across cultures.

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