AP Physics 1 review of Centripetal Forces | Physics | Khan Academy | Summary and Q&A

July 29, 2016
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AP Physics 1 review of Centripetal Forces | Physics | Khan Academy


Learn about the concepts of period, frequency, centripetal acceleration, centripetal forces, and gravity and their relationships in circular motion and orbits.

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Key Insights

  • 🏍️ Period and frequency are inversely related, with the period being the time it takes for one cycle and the frequency being the number of cycles per second.
  • 😥 Centripetal acceleration always points towards the center of the circle and is responsible for changing the direction of the velocity in circular motion.
  • 🐎 Tangential acceleration, if present, changes the magnitude or speed of the velocity.
  • 😥 Centripetal forces are not new forces but rather any force that points towards the center of the circle in circular motion.
  • 🥮 Gravity is the centripetal force in situations like the moon orbiting the Earth.
  • 👮 Newton's universal law of gravity states that all masses attract each other with a force proportional to their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
  • 😥 Gravitational field represents the acceleration due to gravity and is created by masses, pointing radially inwards towards the mass.
  • 💆 Density is the mass per unit volume and can be used to calculate mass if given the density and volume.
  • 🛰️ Gravitational orbits are a special case of centripetal motion where an object is in orbit due to the gravitational force exerted by a larger mass.


  • [Voiceover] What does period and frequency mean? The period is the number of seconds it takes for a process to complete an entire cycle, circle, or revolution. So, if there's some repeating process, the time it takes that process to reset is the period, and it's measured in seconds. The frequency is the number of cycles, or circles, or revolution... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the difference between period and frequency?

Period is the time it takes for a process to complete one cycle, while frequency is the number of cycles completed in one second. They are inversely related, with the period being equal to one over the frequency, and the frequency being equal to one over the period.

Q: How is centripetal acceleration different from tangential acceleration?

Centripetal acceleration is the acceleration that changes the direction of an object's velocity in circular motion, always pointing towards the center of the circle. Tangential acceleration, on the other hand, changes the magnitude or speed of the object's velocity.

Q: What are some examples of centripetal forces in everyday situations?

Gravity is a common centripetal force, such as the force that keeps the moon in orbit around the Earth. Other examples include tension in a yo-yo string, normal force in a loopty loop, and static frictional force for a car going around a roundabout.

Q: How does force influence the direction of centripetal acceleration?

If a force is directed radially inward towards the center of the circle, it is considered a positive force and will contribute to the centripetal acceleration. If a force points radially outward, it is considered a negative force. Tangential forces do not contribute to the centripetal acceleration.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Period is the time it takes for a process to complete one cycle, while frequency is the number of cycles completed in one second.

  • Centripetal acceleration is the acceleration that causes an object to move in a circular path, always pointing towards the center of the circle.

  • Centripetal forces are forces that point towards the center of the circle, causing an object to move in a circular path.

  • Gravity, described by Newton's universal law of gravity, is the force of attraction between masses and can be expressed as the product of the masses divided by the square of the distance between them.

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