Animated short films to help reflect on the world | Marcel Barelli | TEDxBasel | Summary and Q&A

September 22, 2023
TEDx Talks
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Animated short films to help reflect on the world | Marcel Barelli | TEDxBasel

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In this video, the narrator discusses how drawing and humor can be powerful tools for communicating important topics in animated films. They believe that the topic of the film is the most important aspect and that humor and satire can be used to reach a wide audience and make people think and question their beliefs.

Questions & Answers

Q: Why does the narrator make animated films?

The narrator makes animated films because they care about the world and have things to say that they want to share with people. They believe that animated films can be a powerful medium for expressing their vision and ideas.

Q: What drives the narrator to develop projects that address serious issues?

The narrator's perception of the world and its problems drives them to develop projects that make viewers aware of certain problems. They believe that these problems often arise from our way of living and thinking, and they want to use animation to shed light on these issues.

Q: Why does the narrator believe that humor and satire are important in discussing serious topics?

The narrator believes that humor and satire are important because they can add lightness to heavy discussions, unite people, and reach a wider audience. They see humor and satire as a way to make people think and question their beliefs, and they believe that these tools have historically been used to raise awareness and challenge the powerful.

Q: How does the narrator approach the use of humor in their films?

The narrator believes that it is possible to laugh at everything, but it must be done with respect and sensitivity. They emphasize the importance of not using humor to harass or discriminate against others. They agree with Nobel Prize winner David Ford's view that satire should be on the side of the weak and the oppressed.

Q: Why does the narrator believe that nature can offer valuable insights?

The narrator suggests that paying attention to what nature tells us can be helpful in questioning certain justifications of discrimination. They hint that there may be examples in nature that challenge the belief that discrimination is natural or justified.

Q: How does the narrator combine humor and drawing in their films?

The narrator believes that humor and drawing go hand in hand in their films. They use humor and satire, along with their drawing skills, to communicate important topics. They acknowledge that sometimes this formula works well, while other times it may not be as successful.

Q: How does the narrator view the importance of the technique in animated films?

The narrator believes that the technique used in animated films is secondary to the topic being addressed. They argue that the topic is the most important aspect and that the way it is approached and communicated is crucial.

Q: What does the narrator think can be challenging about discussing serious topics?

The narrator acknowledges that discussing serious topics can be difficult because they can often be sad, heavy, or boring. However, they believe that finding a way to approach these topics with humor and satire can make them more accessible and engaging to a wider audience.

Q: How does the narrator believe humor and satire can impact the public?

The narrator believes that humor and satire can make people think and question their beliefs. They see these tools as a way to reach out to the public and create a dialogue about important issues. They believe that humor has historically been effective in raising awareness and challenging those in power.

Q: What does the narrator consider their responsibility as an animator?

The narrator believes that when they have the chance to do the job they love, they also have a great responsibility. They see their responsibility as using their animated films to make people aware of certain problems and contribute to positive change in the world.


In this video, the narrator emphasizes the importance of using humor and drawing to communicate important topics in animated films. They believe that the topic of the film is the most important aspect and that humor and satire can be effective tools for reaching a wide audience and promoting critical thinking. The narrator also highlights the responsibility that comes with being an animator and using their films to raise awareness and contribute to positive change.

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