An Intro to Crypto: Decentralization, the Big Picture | Summary and Q&A

July 15, 2018
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An Intro to Crypto: Decentralization, the Big Picture


The current crypto boom is situated in the broader context of open source software and the cultural history of the open internet. It is a movement towards a new way to build digital services owned and operated by communities rather than private companies.

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Key Insights

  • 🤗 Open source software comprises the majority of the world's software, including Android phones and data center software.
  • 🤗 The crypto movement, like the open source movement, originated as a radical and niche movement but is gradually becoming more mainstream.
  • 🤑 The culture of the internet has a rich history rooted in the cyberpunk movement, which saw the potential of cryptography for privacy and individual freedoms.
  • 🙃 The crypto movement represents a shift towards community-owned and operated digital services.
  • ✊ The concentration of power in large internet companies is a challenge that the crypto movement aims to address.
  • 🦄 Crowdfunding and ICOs have the potential to democratize funding for projects, but careful attention should be given to avoid scams and ensure positive outcomes.


we've heard a ton about what's going on right now but I would love to get a little bit more of a historical perspective on how the current crypto boom is situated in the broader context of open source software and that's something that you've written about quite a bit Chris and then we'll talk about the cultural history of the open Internet as well... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How has the open source software movement evolved over time?

The open source software movement has gained dominance, with decentralized protocols like TCP/IP and HTTP being widely used. However, there is a concentration of power in large internet companies that control these protocols.

Q: How does the rise of the crypto movement compare to the early days of open source software?

The crypto movement, like the open source movement, started as a radical and niche movement but is gradually becoming more mainstream. It represents a shift towards new ways of building digital services that are community-owned and operated.

Q: How does the culture of the internet today reflect the historical perspective of the cyberpunk movement?

The cyberpunk movement in the 80s aimed to use cryptography to enable individual privacy and freedom. The current crypto movement, influenced by the cyberpunk movement, seeks similar goals through decentralization and the use of blockchain technology.

Q: How do app tokens fit into the open network model of the crypto movement?

App tokens provide an economic flywheel for open networks, allowing them to compete with for-profit companies. They enable open networks to raise funds and reinvest in research and development, similar to the feedback loop seen in large companies like Google and Facebook.


In this video, Chris Dixon and Elizabeth Stark discuss the historical context of the current crypto boom as well as the cultural history of the open internet. They talk about how the open-source software movement has played a significant role in the development of the crypto movement and discuss the different narratives and perspectives surrounding cryptocurrencies. They also emphasize the importance of decentralization and the potential for crypto to disrupt existing power structures. Overall, they see the current state of the crypto space as still being in its early days, with a lot of potential for growth and innovation.

Questions & Answers

Q: How is the current crypto boom situated in the broader context of open source software?

The current crypto boom is closely connected to the open-source software movement. Open-source software has become dominant, with approximately 99% of the software in the world being open source. Many technologies, including Android phones and data center software, are built on open-source software. The crypto movement shares similarities with the open-source movement, as it originated as a radical and alternative approach to building digital services. Both movements aim to create a new way of building and operating digital services that are owned and operated by communities rather than private companies.

Q: What is the historical context of the open-source software movement?

The open-source software movement originated in the 80s and was a radical movement with roots in MIT. Led by figures like Richard Stallman, it began as an anti-copyright movement and was initially dismissed by many in the 90s. However, it has now become the dominant form of software, with open-source technologies being used in almost all aspects of computing. It started as a left-wing movement but transitioned into a tech movement that prioritized community ownership and collaboration.

Q: How does the crypto movement relate to the open-source movement?

The crypto movement is similar to the open-source movement in that it started as a somewhat radical and niche movement. It emerged with a more libertarian and cyberpunk mindset but has now become broader and more focused on building digital services owned and operated by communities. Like the open-source movement, the crypto movement is driven by the desire for decentralization and community ownership.

Q: What is the historical context of the internet and its culture?

In the 80s, there was a cyberpunk movement that aimed to use the power of cryptography and new technologies to enable individual privacy and freedom. At the same time, there was a counter-movement by the US government to restrict the exporting of strong cryptography. This conflict between the cyberpunk movement and the US government was influential in shaping the development of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. The release of the Bitcoin white paper in 2008 marked a significant event in the history of the internet, and Bitcoin emerged as a product of the cyberpunk movement.

Q: How does the current crypto space compare to the early days of the internet?

The current crypto space can be compared to the mid-90s phase of the internet. The internet was just starting to go mainstream in the mid-90s, and similarly, cryptocurrencies and related technologies are still in the early stages of adoption and development. Just as the internet has gone through various phases of growth and innovation, the crypto space is also expected to evolve and mature over time.

Q: How has the open-source software movement evolved over time?

The open-source software movement has led to the development of decentralized protocols like TCP/IP and HTTP, which have become massive and integral components of the internet. However, despite the dominance of open-source software, there is a concentration of power in the internet today, with major companies like Google, Facebook, and Apple exerting significant control. This has raised concerns about who governs the internet and how decisions are made. The crypto movement can be seen as a reaction to this concentration of power, and it aims to create a more decentralized and community-driven alternative to the current internet landscape.

Q: How do app tokens and business models fit into the crypto space?

App tokens, which are a form of cryptocurrency, play a role in the crypto space by offering a business model for open networks. They provide a financing model for open networks, enabling them to compete on a level playing field with for-profit companies. Like traditional companies, open networks can now raise funds, generate revenue, and reinvest in research and development. This economic flywheel helps sustain the growth and development of open networks and allows them to compete with centralized platforms.

Q: How do you see the potential of crypto in terms of building a more equitable distribution of power?

Both Elizabeth Stark and Chris Dixon believe that crypto has the potential to address the issue of power concentration in the internet and create a more equitable distribution of power. By leveraging decentralized protocols and incentivizing developers and early adopters, crypto networks can align the interests of all participants and create a more balanced ecosystem. This can enable individuals and communities to have a greater say in decision-making and ownership of digital services.

Q: How does the crypto space address the issue of centralization?

While there are concerns about centralization in the crypto space, it is important to note that the space is still relatively fragmented. There are various exchanges, protocols, and applications in existence, which prevent excessive centralization. However, there is a risk of centralization in the future. To counteract this, the crypto community is actively discussing governance models and ways to ensure that power is not concentrated in a few entities. The aim is to create a more decentralized and inclusive ecosystem.

Q: What are some common misconceptions or narratives about the crypto space?

One common misconception is the belief that the crypto space is primarily driven by the desire to get rich quickly. While there may be some truth to this narrative, there are also other narratives and motivations at play. These include the political and ideological aspects of crypto, as well as the desire to build a more equitable and accessible internet. The media often focuses on the financial aspects of crypto, but there are broader visions and potential for the technology beyond financial gains.

Q: Where do you see the crypto space in terms of its development and potential?

Both Chris Dixon and Elizabeth Stark believe that the crypto space is still in its early days. They compare it to the mid-90s phase of the internet, where there was still much untapped potential and growth to come. While there are challenges and uncertainties surrounding the development and adoption of crypto, they remain optimistic about its future. They see opportunities for innovation and disruption, especially in terms of decentralized protocols, financial systems, and the broader digital landscape.


The current crypto boom is situated within the context of the open-source software movement, which has become dominant in the software industry. The crypto movement shares similarities with the open-source movement and aims to build digital services that are owned and operated by communities. The historical context of the internet and the cyberpunk movement has played a significant role in shaping the development of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. The crypto space is still in its early days, similar to the mid-90s phase of the internet, with enormous potential for growth and innovation. There is a need to address concerns of centralization and concentration of power in the current internet landscape, and crypto offers a potential solution by enabling decentralization and community ownership. The media narrative of the crypto space often focuses on financial gains and price fluctuations, but there are broader narratives and motivations at play, including the desire to build a more equitable and accessible internet.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Open source software is underrated, with 99% of the world's software being open source, including Android phones and data center software.

  • The open source movement began in the 80s as a radical and anti-copyright movement, similar to the current crypto movement.

  • The crypto movement is morphing into a tech movement, aiming to build digital services owned by communities instead of private companies.

  • The culture of the internet has a deeper history rooted in the cyberpunk movement, which saw the potential of cryptography and individual freedoms.

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