ALL YouTubers Need To Understand This | Summary and Q&A

January 23, 2019
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
ALL YouTubers Need To Understand This


Your only competition on YouTube is yourself, not other channels. Focus on improving your own content and understanding your audience.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ It is important to have a gauge of other channels in your niche, but comparing yourself to them is not productive.
  • 😨 Procrastination and fear are the true competitors you need to overcome for success.
  • 🥺 Collaboration with other channels can lead to growth and exposure to new audiences.
  • 🙈 YouTube's algorithm serves content based on viewer preferences, so other channels can be seen as allies rather than competition.
  • ❓ Focus on improving your own content and understanding your audience instead of comparing yourself to others.
  • 😃 Your biggest competition is yourself and the obstacles you face, such as procrastination and fear.
  • ❓ Understanding the YouTube platform and your audience's preferences should be your main focus.


  • If you are making videos for YouTube or for the internet in general and you're concerned about your competition or you're comparing yourself against the other people that are making the same type of content that you make, there's a big problem there and I'm gonna change how you think about that. And we're starting right now. ♪ That's just how it ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why do many YouTubers compare themselves to their competition?

It is natural to want to understand why some channels are more successful, but comparing yourself to others can create negative emotions and distract you from improving your own content.

Q: What is the only competition that matters on YouTube?

Your only competition is yourself, as you strive to make better videos, understand your audience, and overcome obstacles like procrastination and fear.

Q: Why is collaboration with other channels important?

Collaborating with other channels can lead to mutual growth and exposure to new audiences. Seeing other channels as allies instead of competitors can create valuable partnerships.

Q: How does YouTube's algorithm affect competition?

YouTube's algorithm recommends content based on viewers' preferences. Understanding this can help YouTubers see other channels as potential collaborators, as their content may be recommended alongside yours.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Many YouTubers get caught up in comparing themselves to their competition and wondering why their channel isn't as successful. However, the only competition that matters is yourself.

  • It is important to keep an eye on other channels in your niche and learn from their content, but comparing yourself to them is not productive.

  • Your biggest competition is procrastination and fear. Overcoming these obstacles will lead to growth and success.

  • Collaboration with other channels is more beneficial than seeing them as competitors.

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