Adulting (and running a startup) is hard. | Summary and Q&A

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Adulting (and running a startup) is hard.


Being a successful founder often requires more responsibility and maturity than the average person, setting them apart from their peers.

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Key Insights

  • 💪 Founders of successful companies often have to "adult" harder than their peers, putting in more effort and dedication in order to build something extraordinary.
  • 🏢 Building a billion-dollar company requires a different level of commitment than working at big tech companies, separating founders from their peers who have traditional jobs.
  • 🤔 Founders may question why they have to do more than their roommates, but the answer lies in their pursuit of creating something exceptional that sets them apart.
  • 💡 To achieve extraordinary success, it may be necessary for founders to surpass the abilities and efforts of those around them, pushing the boundaries of what is considered the norm.
  • 🌟 The path to being a founder and creating a successful company requires immense dedication and a willingness to go above and beyond, separating oneself from the average person.
  • 😎 Founders may feel isolated from their peers due to the unique challenges and level of commitment required to build a thriving company, setting them apart from those who have conventional jobs.
  • 🚀 The journey to building a successful company involves stepping out of the comfort zone and embracing the notion that being "the same as my peers" may limit one's potential for extraordinary achievements.
  • 🔥 Differentiating oneself from the crowd and being willing to put in the extra effort can be key to unlocking the potential for greatness in the world of entrepreneurship.


and it might turn out that if you want to be a founder of a very successful company you might have to adult harder than the people around you in fact it almost assuredly requires adulting harder than the people around you sometimes I think Founders look at us and they're kind of like well you know my roommates don't do this so why do I have to and ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why do founders often have to "adult" harder than those around them?

Founders are responsible for building and running a successful company, which requires taking more risks, making tough decisions, and putting in long hours. They must constantly seek opportunities for growth and manage various aspects of the business, making the level of responsibility higher than that of others.

Q: How does "adulting" separate founders from their peers?

Founders have a different set of priorities and goals compared to their peers. While peers may be content with stable jobs and comfortable lifestyles, founders strive to build something extraordinary and change the world. This ambition necessitates a higher level of maturity and responsibility, setting founders apart from their peers.

Q: Do successful founders always have to be better than those around them?

Being better than others in terms of skills, knowledge, and work ethic can give founders a competitive edge. However, it's not solely about surpassing others. Founders need to consistently improve themselves and their businesses, adapting to challenges and seizing opportunities. It's a continuous growth process that sets successful founders apart.

Q: How does "adulting" contribute to the success of a founder?

"Adulting" encompasses various aspects such as responsibility, discipline, and maturity. Successful founders prioritize these qualities as they navigate the challenges of building a company. By being accountable, making sound decisions, and maintaining focus, founders increase their chances of success and effectively lead their teams towards their vision.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Founders of successful companies often have to "adult" harder than those around them.

  • Building a billion-dollar company requires being better than the people around you.

  • Being a founder sets you apart from your peers and requires a different level of responsibility and maturity.

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