Action at Japan's Second Harvest | Charles McJilton | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

August 8, 2017
Talks at Google
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Action at Japan's Second Harvest | Charles McJilton | Talks at Google


Social entrepreneur Charles McJilton discusses the concept of "starting with why" and how it can be applied in food banking to motivate change and address social issues.

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Key Insights

  • 💱 Starting with why: The concept of starting with why, as discussed by Charles McJilton, is crucial in motivating change and addressing social issues.
  • 😋 Value creation: Second Harvest Japan creates value for both donors and recipients by collecting and distributing food that would otherwise go to waste.
  • 😋 Trust and equality: Building trust and fostering equal relationships with food industry partners is essential for Second Harvest Japan.
  • 🥺 Shifting perspectives: Personal experiences can lead to a shift in perspective, from feeling responsible for the world's problems to choosing to respond and make a difference.
  • 😋 Addressing food loss and waste: Second Harvest Japan approaches the issue of food loss and waste by focusing on its core why and sharing personal stories and experiences.
  • 😋 Vision for the future: Second Harvest Japan envisions a future where everybody has enough food and sees food as a valuable public asset.
  • 😃 Taking action: Small actions today can have a big impact, and partnering with others can lead to positive change.


[MUSIC PLAYING] CHARLES MCJILTON: Well, welcome. Thank you very much for coming today. My name is Charles McJilton. I am a social entrepreneur, meaning that I use business principles and social market issues, market issues to deal with social issues. I have represented four different organizations here. The one that you might know the best is the R... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Second Harvest Japan create value for donors and recipients?

Second Harvest Japan collects food that would otherwise be thrown away, allowing donors to engage in community work and CSR initiatives. By distributing this food to those in need, recipients are nourished and can use it as a tool for communication and connection within their families.

Q: How does Second Harvest Japan build trust and equality with food industry partners?

Second Harvest Japan focuses on creating equal relationships with food industry partners and emphasizes trust. Instead of soliciting donations, all 1,300 partner companies approached Second Harvest Japan and offered agreements. This approach ensures that the organization and its partners are on the same level, promoting equality.

Q: How does Second Harvest Japan approach the issue of food loss and waste?

Second Harvest Japan recognizes the importance of addressing the issue of food loss and waste but focuses on its core why, which is to provide food to those in need. By shifting the focus from criticizing movements and definitions to sharing personal stories and experiences, Second Harvest Japan aims to engage in the conversation in a way that reflects its values.

Q: What is Second Harvest Japan's vision for the future?

Second Harvest Japan aims to make food available to 100,000 people by 2020, with a long-term goal of ensuring that everybody has enough food. The organization envisions a safety net where food is seen as a public asset, and even those who don't currently experience food insecurity understand the value of providing meals to those in need.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Charles McJilton introduces himself as a social entrepreneur and discusses the concept of starting with why in his organization, Second Harvest Japan.

  • He explains how Second Harvest Japan collects food that would otherwise go to waste and distributes it to those in need, creating value for both the donors and recipients.

  • McJilton shares personal experiences that led to his shift in perspective from feeling responsible for the world's problems to choosing to respond and make a difference through food banking.

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