ABGT100 | Above & Beyond | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

October 28, 2014
Talks at Google
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ABGT100 | Above & Beyond | Talks at Google


Above and Beyond shares insights on their new album, their approach to collaboration, and the future of electronic music.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ˜„ Above and Beyond value collaboration and believe that electronic music lends itself well to it due to the ease of working with electronic elements and the tradition of remixing.
  • πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ¨ They believe that music genres are becoming less important as artists explore different styles and mix genres together.
  • πŸ™Š Above and Beyond emphasize the importance of focusing on the music itself and creating something that speaks to them, rather than chasing trends or trying to please others.


CATHERINE ARMATO: Hi. JONO GRANT: Hello. It's like "Pigs in Space." CATHERINE ARMATO: So I just wanted to thank you guys so much for coming today. We're really excited to have you here at Google, and here in New York City. You just announced your new album, "We Are All We Need." And I was wondering if you could tell us more about what we can expect... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How do Above and Beyond choose other artists to collaborate with?

Above and Beyond looks for unique voices that haven't worked with a lot of other people, outside of their genre, to bring a fresh sound to their music.

Q: What made Above and Beyond choose Madison Square Garden for their ABGT100 celebration?

Above and Beyond wanted to do a big show in America and decided on New York City. Madison Square Garden was suggested and although they initially thought it couldn't happen, they were able to make it a reality.

Q: How do Above and Beyond use technology to connect with their fans?

Above and Beyond started with an internet forum and online distribution of their music. They believe that streaming and subscription models are the future of music distribution and they are excited about the possibilities it brings.

Q: How do Above and Beyond approach writing and producing their songs?

Above and Beyond write from the heart and create music that is meaningful to them. They believe in focusing on the core of their music and not getting caught up in social media presence or trends.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Above and Beyond discusses their new album, "We Are All We Need," which includes collaborations with Justine Suissa, Zoe Johnston, and Alex Vargas.

  • They explain their approach to finding vocalists, looking for unique voices outside of their genre to create something different.

  • Above and Beyond shares their excitement and nerves about performing at Madison Square Garden and the journey leading up to the show.

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