Abelard to Apple | Rich DeMillo | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

February 1, 2012
Talks at Google
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Abelard to Apple | Rich DeMillo | Talks at Google


The fate of American higher education is in question as costs rise, outcomes decline, and universities resist change.

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Key Insights

  • 😮 American higher education is facing challenges such as rising costs, poor outcomes, and resistance to change.
  • 🥺 Universities have become inwardly focused and entitled, leading to a lack of experimentation and innovation.
  • 🥶 The future of higher education may involve a broader spectrum of students, including older learners and those pursuing online degrees.
  • 🧑‍🎓 Universities need to understand and emphasize their unique value propositions to attract students and remain relevant.
  • 🪡 Experimentation and diverse models of education are needed to meet the changing needs of students and the job market.
  • 🖐️ Financial aid and for-profit institutions play a role in the current higher education landscape, but their effectiveness and impact vary.


Female presenter: I'm really happy to introduce Rich DeMillo who's the Distinguished Professor of Computing and Professor of Management, the former John. P. Imlay Dean of Computing, and the director of the new Center for 21st Century universities at Georgia Tech. , Previously, he had academic positions at Purdue, University of Wisconsin, and Univ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What inspired Rich DeMillo to write the book "Abelard to Apple"?

DeMillo initially planned to write about innovation, but after stepping down as dean, he wrote a memo that sparked questions and conversations, leading him to write about the future of universities instead.

Q: What is the main argument of the book?

The book addresses the high cost of education, poor outcomes, and resistance to change in American universities, and aims to start a conversation about the future of higher education for those not deeply involved in academia.

Q: What does the title "Abelard to Apple" refer to?

The book traces the historical arc of education from 11th-century scholar Peter Abelard, who was a pioneer in teaching and mentoring, to modern-day technology platforms like Apple's iTunes U and YouTube edu, which allow for education on a global scale.

Q: What are some controversial topics discussed in the book?

DeMillo discusses faculty-centrism vs student-centrism in universities, the role of college presidents, and the value of a university degree, particularly in the arts and humanities.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Rich DeMillo, distinguished professor and former dean of computing at Georgia Tech, discusses the future of American higher education.

  • DeMillo initially set out to write a book about innovation, but was convinced to write about the challenges facing universities instead.

  • The book, "Abelard to Apple", addresses the high cost, poor outcomes, and resistance to change in American higher education.

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