Aaron Rodgers Clears the Air on "Immunized" Controversy | Summary and Q&A

August 27, 2022
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Aaron Rodgers Clears the Air on "Immunized" Controversy


Aaron Rodgers explains his decision not to get vaccinated, facing backlash and NFL policies.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Alternative immunization choices exist for individuals with allergies to components in the available vaccines.
  • ❓ The NFL implemented segregation policies between vaccinated and unvaccinated players, impacting their privileges.
  • 🏆 Aaron Rodgers experienced public shaming, fines, and media scrutiny after testing positive for COVID-19.
  • 😤 The incident highlighted the NFL's handling of unvaccinated players and their impact on team dynamics.
  • 🚙 Vaccination decisions can stir controversy, especially in professional sports settings.
  • 🙂 Rodgers' case sheds light on the challenges faced by unvaccinated athletes within the league.
  • ❓ The consequences of COVID-19 infections in players, vaccinated or not, stirred discussions on vaccination efficacy.


the jurogan experience yeah it's been an interesting uh year or so but man it's been it's been a good year what was the the craziness like like when all the people were calling you a plague rat and i mean it's it's you and how do you say the guy's name the tennis player novak djokovic yeah djokovic i mean we talk about the healthiest human beings o... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why did Aaron Rodgers choose not to get vaccinated?

Aaron Rodgers decided against vaccination due to his allergy to a component in the vaccines, opting for an alternative immunization process to protect himself.

Q: How did the NFL differentiate between vaccinated and unvaccinated players?

The NFL implemented a system where vaccinated players had privileges while unvaccinated players faced strict restrictions and were visibly identified through colored wristbands.

Q: What led to Aaron Rodgers facing backlash and fines?

Attending an event with vaccinated individuals resulted in Rodgers contracting COVID-19 from a vaccinated teammate, leading to fines and public scrutiny for deceiving his vaccination status.

Q: How did Aaron Rodgers handle the aftermath of testing positive for COVID-19?

Rodgers faced media backlash, lost credibility, but also received support from select individuals while emphasizing his quick recovery from COVID-19.


In this video, the conversation revolves around the speaker's experience as an unvaccinated athlete during the COVID-19 pandemic. They discuss the challenges they faced, their decision to pursue an alternative immunization process, and the repercussions they faced for attending a party while unvaccinated. The speaker also talks about their interaction with the NFL and the public shaming they encountered. On a positive note, they express gratitude towards the host for providing guidance and support during this difficult time.

Questions & Answers

Q: Can you describe the backlash you faced for being unvaccinated?

The backlash I faced for being unvaccinated can only be described as difficult, as I was called a liar, accused of endangering the community and my teammates, and subjected to attempts to tarnish my integrity. The reaction was intense and resulted in the loss of many of the allies I thought I had in the media. It drew a clear line, separating those who were supportive from those who trashed me.

Q: Did you anticipate having to answer questions about your vaccination status?

Yes, I knew that at some point I would have to answer questions about my vaccination status. I was aware that if I contracted COVID-19 or if news got out about my status, I would have no choice but to address the matter. With leaks being common in the NFL, I understood that it was a possibility I couldn't avoid.

Q: What was your appeal process like with the NFL?

I had an appeal going with the NFL, during which I presented my health issues, the alternative immunization process I went through, and extensive research on homeopathy, immunizations, and their safety and efficacy. I provided around 500 pages of research from various sources to support my case. However, after a conversation with the league, it became clear that my appeal was unlikely to be successful. This conversation also revealed the league's dismissal of the existence of breakthrough infections.

Q: Can you discuss the division between vaccinated and unvaccinated players at the facility?

At the facility, there was a clear division between vaccinated and unvaccinated players. Those who were vaccinated had full privileges, with the ability to test less frequently, go out to dinner or concerts, and lead a relatively normal life. However, unvaccinated players like myself had severe restrictions. We were fully masked, could not enter establishments with more than 15 people, and were limited to being around only three individuals from the team outside the facility. These policies seemed illogical, especially considering the fitness and health of professional athletes.

Q: What alternative immunization process did you undergo?

After researching my options because I couldn't receive the mRNA vaccinations due to my allergy to polyethylene glycol (PEG), I found an alternative immunization process through a holistic doctor. The process involved a couple of months of taking a diluted strand of the virus orally. This process aimed to achieve the same goals as the vaccine but without the risk of an allergic reaction. Many other people in my circle also pursued this method to protect themselves.

Q: How did you handle the public shaming and scrutiny surrounding your vaccination status?

Dealing with the public shaming and scrutiny surrounding my vaccination status was challenging. However, during that time, I reached out to the host of this podcast and expressed my gratitude for his previous discussions on controversial topics related to COVID-19. He provided me with a game plan to be prepared in case I contracted the virus. When I did eventually test positive, I followed the plan diligently and experienced a quick recovery, becoming symptom-free within 36 hours.

Q: How did your teammates react to your vaccination status?

My teammates, from the start, knew about my vaccination status. We were required to submit vaccination cards indicating whether we were vaccinated or not. Consequently, they were aware that I was unvaccinated. There was some talk about me endangering my teammates and lying to them. However, there were also teammates who understood and supported my decision, recognizing that everyone has the right to make choices regarding their own bodies.

Q: Can you discuss the discrimination faced by unvaccinated players in terms of job opportunities?

Unvaccinated players faced discrimination not only within their teams but also in terms of job opportunities. Making the active roster was more challenging for unvaccinated players, particularly those on the bubble. Furthermore, the chance of getting workout opportunities from other teams was almost non-existent for unvaccinated players. The combination of reduced chances of making the team and financial instability due to the lack of workout opportunities created additional pressure for unvaccinated players.

Q: How did the NFL handle your appeal and subsequent discussions about your vaccination status?

The NFL's handling of my appeal and subsequent discussions about my vaccination status left me disheartened. Instead of considering the evidence and research I presented, the league showed dismissiveness towards breakthrough infections and disregarded my concerns. Their response further solidified the difficulty of my situation and the lack of understanding and empathy toward unvaccinated players.

Q: What was your experience with the wristbands used to distinguish vaccinated and unvaccinated players?

At the facility, wristbands were used to differentiate vaccinated and unvaccinated players. Vaccinated players wore green wristbands, while unvaccinated players wore yellow wristbands. This practice created a sense of division and peculiarly resembled wearing team colors. It was an uncomfortable reminder of the discrimination and the different sets of privileges assigned to each group.


This video sheds light on the challenges and discrimination faced by unvaccinated athletes during the COVID-19 pandemic. The speaker discusses their alternative immunization process due to a medical allergy, the public backlash they encountered, and the disparities in treatment between vaccinated and unvaccinated players. The conversation highlights the importance of understanding individual choices and promoting empathy and respect in the face of differing vaccination statuses.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Aaron Rodgers reveals his choice not to get vaccinated due to allergies and alternative immunization process.

  • Describes NFL's two-tier system for vaccinated vs. unvaccinated players.

  • Recounts backlash, fines, and media scrutiny after testing positive for COVID-19.

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