A poem to all ‘Lost Poems’ by Wole Soyinka | Summary and Q&A

March 19, 2019
Nobel Prize
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A poem to all ‘Lost Poems’ by Wole Soyinka

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This video explores the idea of lost poems and the frustration that comes with not being able to capture them fully. The narrator decides to write a poem as a way to compensate for those lost poems. The video touches on the moments when fragments of poems resurface in unexpected places, such as discarded invoices or old wedding invitations. The narrator reflects on the torment of these lost poems and the emotions they bring forth. The video also delves into the idea of lost voices and touches, emphasizing the deep connections formed with strangers and loved ones.

Questions & Answers

Q: Why does the narrator decide to write a poem as a way to compensate for lost poems?

The narrator feels frustrated by the fact that they cannot preserve scraps of poems that are still in the making before they are finished. To take revenge on these lost poems, the narrator decides to write a poem dedicated to them.

Q: How does the narrator recall the lost poems?

The lost poems resurface in the narrator's mind only when fragments of them appear unexpectedly in their surroundings. This could be a fragment levitating behind discarded invoices, the blackened notice of a last goodbye, or even a birth or wedding invitation.

Q: What is the torment that the narrator feels in relation to the lost poems?

The narrator experiences torment because the lost poems hold deep meaning and significance, but they are only recalled fleetingly when their fragments are rediscovered. This torment arises from the fleeting nature of these moments and the inability to fully grasp and preserve them.

Q: What happens to the lost poems once they are recalled?

Once the lost poems are recollected, they are often preserved only momentarily. They mimic a wrinkled petal, pressed between the pages of long-discarded books, or a falling leaf briefly captured by the passing sun. These fragments of memory carry wistful accusations of abandonment and are ultimately subjected to fading away.

Q: How does the narrator describe the moments of the lost poems?

The narrator characterizes the moments of the lost poems as times of intense passion or dubious flash. These moments could occur in various settings, such as a bar, taxi, restaurant, or airport waiting lounge. They are often birthed through scribbles on stained napkins or other ephemeral mediums.

Q: What happens to the lost poems in the face of time and life's experiences?

The lost poems become overshadowed by the passing of time and the experiences that life brings. They are drowned in the rivers of wine and withered in the sons of greater wars. The exaltation or despair felt in those lost moments diminishes, leaving only a mere shard of memory.

Q: How does the narrator choose to deal with the remnants of the lost poems?

The narrator decides to turn the scrapbooks of these lost moments into cinders. They burn and curl, becoming a curse in smoke. This act represents a futile attempt to let go of the memories that cannot be fully captured or preserved.

Q: What is the impact of the lost poems on the narrator?

The lost poems leave a lasting impact on the narrator, evoking emotions of abandonment and a sense of loss. They serve as a reminder of missed opportunities and the fleeting nature of significant moments.

Q: What else does the narrator think of besides the lost poems?

Aside from the lost poems, the narrator reflects on the voices and touches they have lost. They reminisce about the fleeting brush of eyes and the whispers of deep connections formed within the heart of need. The narrator also ponders the unspoken pledges and acts of faith that create instant worlds and forge bonds with strangers and loved ones.

Q: How does the narrator describe the bonds formed with strangers and loved ones?

The narrator describes these bonds as deeper and deeper. They go beyond mere acquaintances, creating a profound connection. The narrator refers to the dearest loves that embrace them, signifying the transformative power of these relationships.


The video explores the frustration and torment of losing unfinished poems and the inability to capture them fully. It highlights the fleeting nature of significant moments and the struggle to preserve them in the face of time and life's experiences. The narrator's contemplation extends beyond lost poems to encompass the loss of voices, touches, and deep connections formed with strangers and loved ones. These reflections serve as a reminder of the evanescent nature of life's meaningful experiences and the emotional impact they leave behind.

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