A Northern Gentleman | Lauren Epshteyn | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

November 18, 2015
Talks at Google
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A Northern Gentleman | Lauren Epshteyn | Talks at Google


Lauren Epshteyn discusses her journey of writing her historical fiction novel, "A Northern Gentleman," and shares her passion for storytelling.

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Key Insights

  • 🇲🇵 Epshteyn drew inspiration from her childhood dream and passion for writing to write "A Northern Gentleman."
  • 🫠 Writing books and reading historical fiction helped shape Epshteyn's writing style and provided guidance in her storytelling.
  • 🤳 The publishing process can involve collaboration and changes in creative decisions, but Epshteyn chose to self-publish to retain full control.


SEEMA VASHI: Thank you for coming. My name is Seema, and I am really, really excited to be hosting this panel today. All of you know why you're here. But the lovely Lauren Epshteyn has recently-- [CHEERING] [APPLAUSE] --recently published her first novel-- historical fiction-- called "A Northern Gentleman." For the first 25, we have books out there... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What inspired Lauren Epshteyn to write "A Northern Gentleman"?

Epshteyn has always had a love for writing and realized her passion for storytelling as a child. Her childhood dream of becoming a bestselling author sparked her inspiration to write "A Northern Gentleman."

Q: How did Epshteyn know how to write a book?

Epshteyn's background as a reader and her love for American historical fiction contributed to her knowledge of writing a book. She studied various writing books, including "Save the Cat" and "On Writing," which provided valuable insights and guidance.

Q: How did Epshteyn find the time to write a book while working a full-time job?

Epshteyn did not have a set schedule for writing but found sporadic pockets of time to work on her book. She challenged herself to write at least 100 words a day during some periods and took breaks for weeks or months at a time. She emphasized that finding time to make progress on a passion project does not require a large amount of free time.

Q: Did Epshteyn root for the protagonist, Drucker May, throughout the book?

Both readers expressed their support for Drucker May and his journey of self-discovery. They appreciated his flawed nature and his determination to find his true identity. While they may have disagreed with some decisions he made, overall, they rooted for his success.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Lauren Epshteyn recounts her passion for writing fiction and how her childhood dream of becoming a bestselling author led her to write "A Northern Gentleman."

  • She explains the process of writing the book and the inspiration behind the story, which centers around a character named Drucker May and his journey of self-discovery.

  • Epshteyn shares insights into her writing process and the research she conducted for the book, including reading historical fiction and exploring different time periods.

  • She discusses the challenges she faced during the publishing process and her decision to self-publish, allowing for complete creative control.

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