A Book That Changed My Perception Towards Life | Daniela Maserian | TEDxYouth@UWCDilijan | Summary and Q&A

September 25, 2023
TEDx Talks
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A Book That Changed My Perception Towards Life | Daniela Maserian | TEDxYouth@UWCDilijan

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In this video, the speaker shares their personal experience of being an overthinker and feeling the constant need for external validation and recognition. They talk about how social media and the fear of missing out contribute to this mindset. The speaker emphasizes the importance of accepting things that are out of our control and focusing on the things we can control to find peace and contentment in life. They conclude by encouraging viewers to appreciate the life they already have and find happiness from within.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did the speaker's upbringing in Syria and being separated from their father contribute to their overthinking?

The speaker grew up in Syria and due to the war, they and their family were forced to leave, leaving their father behind. Although it wasn't their fault, they felt a sense of guilt and fear for their father's safety. This experience of being powerless and not being able to help their father fueled their overthinking tendencies.

Q: What book had a significant impact on the speaker's life and how did it resonate with them?

The book that changed the speaker's life is "Midnight Library" by Matt Hague. Despite not being an avid reader, they were surprised by how much this book resonated with them. It tells the story of a girl trapped in a cycle of life and death, always searching for the perfect life but never being satisfied with her choices. The more the speaker thought about it, the more they realized they were also constantly seeking the next big thing and never feeling fulfilled.

Q: Why does the speaker believe many people feel a void and constantly strive for more?

The speaker believes that society conditions people to think that external things are necessary for happiness. With infinite options and the influence of social media, individuals can feel like they're not living up to their full potential. There is a constant obsession with being noticed and recognized, which leads to a fear of mediocrity. This fear and the desire for more can create a void that people try to fill.

Q: How does social media use affect mental health, according to the speaker?

Research mentioned by the speaker indicates that intensive social media use, driven by a fear of missing out, is associated with lower mood and life satisfaction. The constant comparison and emphasis on always needing more can negatively impact mental health. The speaker implies that the pressure to be noticed and recognized on social media contributes to the fear of mediocrity and perpetuates the cycle of seeking external validation.

Q: How did the speaker manage to break free from the cycle of overthinking and seeking external validation?

The speaker made a conscious effort to focus on the things they could control, such as their relationships with family and friends, their education, and their career. They accepted that they may never go back to Syria and the past couldn't be changed. This acceptance allowed them to find peace and contentment in their life instead of dwelling on things they couldn't control or change.

Q: What does the speaker believe is the key to finding happiness?

The speaker believes that happiness is not something that can be bought or achieved through external factors. It is something that comes from within. They emphasize the importance of appreciating the life one already has and finding contentment in the present moment. By focusing on the things that can be controlled and accepting things that cannot, happiness can be found.


The speaker's personal experience and insights highlight the detrimental effects of overthinking and constantly seeking external validation. They emphasize the need to accept things that are out of our control and focus on the things we can control to find peace and contentment. The speaker also challenges the notion that happiness is dependent on external factors, asserting that it comes from within and can be appreciated by valuing the life one already has.

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