a book i HATED, a book i LOVED, a book in the middle! | rapid fire book reviews | Summary and Q&A

October 28, 2021
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a book i HATED, a book i LOVED, a book in the middle! | rapid fire book reviews


A booktuber gives quick reviews of several books she has read in the past few months, including recommendations and ratings.

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Key Insights

  • 🫠 The booktuber found "The Cost of Knowing" to be a standout read with its exploration of the theme of death.
  • 🚾 "Things We Lost to the Water" had a compelling premise, but the ending and character development fell short for the reviewer.
  • 😥 "Victories Greater Than Death" disappointed the booktuber with its immature writing style, despite having some enjoyable elements.
  • 📔 "What We Lose" surprised and impressed the reviewer with its ability to cover various complex topics in a short book.
  • 🫠 "Spin" and "Tokyo Ever After" were highly enjoyable reads for the booktuber, exceeding her expectations.
  • 🐢 "The Ones We're Meant to Find" and "The Unbroken" had mixed reviews, with the former being confusing and the latter having a slow start.
  • 🫠 "The Anthropocene Reviewed" was a delightful read, with the booktuber praising John Green's narration and unique exploration of random topics.


what up reader fam welcome back to my channel today i'm gonna be going over some books that i've read the past few months we're gonna be doing some rapid fire book reviews i am very behind on sharing my thoughts on books that i've read recently but what's new if there's one thing i'm consistent at it's being behind today i'm gonna be sharing quick ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Which book did the reviewer highly recommend and give a rating of 5 out of 5 stars?

The book titled "The Cost of Knowing" received a glowing review from the booktuber. She loved everything about it, especially the theme of death, and highly recommends it.

Q: What book was the reviewer underwhelmed by and gave a rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars?

The book "Things We Lost to the Water" received a mixed review from the booktuber. While she enjoyed certain aspects of it, the ending fell flat for her and she felt a disconnect with some of the characters.

Q: Which book had an immature writing style and received a rating of 2 out of 5 stars?

"Victories Greater Than Death" was criticized by the booktuber for its immature and repetitive writing style. However, she did appreciate the exploration of sexual identity in the book.

Q: What book surprised the reviewer with its impactful storytelling and received a rating of 4 out of 5 stars?

"What We Lose" impressed the booktuber with its ability to cover a wide range of difficult topics in a short book. She found it impactful and highly recommends it.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The content features a booktuber sharing rapid fire reviews of books she has read recently.

  • She highlights the key themes and elements of each book in concise and straight-to-the-point summaries.

  • The reviews cover a variety of genres and include both positive and negative opinions of the books.

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