9 Tricks to Teach Your Kids about Money 👪 | Summary and Q&A

January 16, 2018
Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA
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9 Tricks to Teach Your Kids about Money 👪


Learn from 36 money experts on how to teach kids about money through savings, investments, and entrepreneurial skills.

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Key Insights

  • 🤑 Involving children early in financial decisions can help them develop responsibility and understand the value of money.
  • 👏 Providing hands-on experience, such as having kids use their own money to buy what they want, teaches them goal-setting, saving, and decision-making.
  • 👶 Gradually increasing financial responsibility, such as having children pay for a portion of their expenses, helps them develop financial independence.
  • 🤑 Teaching children the importance of saving money and making it work for them rather than being controlled by it is crucial.


one of the best things you can teach your kids is about money how to save it how to make it and how to invest it but it's not the kind of thing we learn in school so how do you know if you're teaching them the right habits I reached out to 36 money experts for their best tips to teach kids about money I'm pulling out my favorite 9 ideas that will m... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can you teach kids to resist the urge to impulse shop?

You can implement a 30-day waiting period before making a purchase, which helps children learn patience and smart money decisions. Many times, they may lose interest in the desired item after waiting.

Q: What should parents do to become a resource for their kids' financial education?

Parents should educate themselves about banking, credit, student loans, and investing to be able to answer their children's questions and provide guidance. Schools often do not teach these topics adequately.

Q: What is a useful strategy to teach kids the value of money and saving?

Giving kids an allowance while also providing opportunities for them to earn more money through chores or small tasks can help teach them the value of money and instill saving habits.

Q: How can kids be incentivized to save their money?

By offering a slightly higher interest rate on savings than what is typically available, children can be encouraged to keep their money in the bank and develop good savings habits.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • One expert suggests implementing a 30-day waiting period before making a purchase to teach children about impulse shopping.

  • Another expert emphasizes the importance of being knowledgeable about financial topics and being able to answer children's questions.

  • Teaching kids about money can involve giving them an allowance and providing opportunities for them to earn money.

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