9 Rules for Building a Tech Winner | Tony Seba | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

November 27, 2007
Talks at Google
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9 Rules for Building a Tech Winner | Tony Seba | Talks at Google


Tony Siba shares nine fundamental rules for building a successful tech company, including focusing on easy adoption, adding value over features, and utilizing storytelling to engage customers.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ˜‰ Focusing on easy adoption and providing a seamless user experience is key to winning in a crowded market.
  • πŸ•β€πŸ¦Ί Adding value to products and services, rather than just including features, is crucial for success.
  • πŸ†˜ Establishing a compelling story helps to create an emotional connection with customers and differentiate from competitors.
  • πŸ˜₯ It's important to navigate uncertainty and address customer pain points to attract and retain customers.
  • πŸ₯Ί Leveraging partnerships with trusted companies and managing them effectively can lead to significant growth opportunities.


so first off for those of you who don't know me my name is Christine Lee I work in product marketing over at YouTube and um thanks everyone for attending this is the first in our marketing talks at Google speaker series and I'm very honored to introduce our very first speaker to kick this off Tony siba um a little bit about Tony he's an award-winni... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Apple's iPod succeed in a crowded market?

The success of the iPod can be attributed to their whole product approach, which focused on the music listening experience rather than just selling an MP3 player. The introduction of iTunes made it easy for consumers to adopt the technology and transfer their music, leading to widespread adoption.

Q: Why is storytelling important in the tech industry?

Storytelling helps to establish an emotional connection with customers and engage them on a deeper level. By sharing compelling stories, companies like Apple and Google have been able to create a sense of identity and loyalty among their customers.

Q: How can companies navigate uncertainty during tough times?

Companies should focus on understanding customer pain points and developing products that address those needs. By providing solutions and reducing uncertainty, companies can build trust and attract customers even during challenging times.

Q: How can partnerships contribute to a company's success?

Choosing the right partners and managing them well can lead to significant growth for a company. By embedding their technology into other companies' products or leveraging the influence of trusted partners, companies can expand their reach and attract new customers.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Tony Siba, an experienced entrepreneur and author, shares insights from his book, "Winner Takes All: The Nine Fundamental Rules of High Tech Strategy."

  • Siba compares successful tech companies like Google, Apple, and Cisco with their competitors to identify the key factors that contribute to their success.

  • He outlines nine rules, including focusing on easy adoption, adding value over features, and utilizing storytelling to establish an emotional connection with customers.

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