9 CLEAR signs you REALLY shouldn't buy that thing (MONEY SAVING & FRUGAL LIVING TIPS) | Summary and Q&A

October 20, 2022
Investor Weekly
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9 CLEAR signs you REALLY shouldn't buy that thing (MONEY SAVING & FRUGAL LIVING TIPS)


Learn how to save money and practice frugal living by identifying signs that indicate you shouldn't make a purchase.

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Key Insights

  • πŸ‘Ά Make the most of what you already have before making new purchases.
  • πŸ’³ Avoid using credit cards for purchases to prevent accruing debt.
  • πŸ€‘ Prioritize comfort over style to avoid wasting money on items you won't use.
  • πŸͺ‘ Only make purchases that meet your standards and needs.
  • πŸ€‘ Regularly update your budget to stay on track with saving money.
  • πŸ‘ͺ Communicate your saving goals to friends and family to avoid peer pressure.
  • πŸ›οΈ Identify triggers for compulsive shopping and find healthier alternatives.


are you someone who finds yourself shopping a lot and constantly questioning whether you need it or not well in this video we'll help you figure it out by showing nine clear signs you really shouldn't buy that thing you already have a similar item this may be a rather obvious sign but it's one that's more overlooked than you might think it's a know... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can having similar items be a sign that you shouldn't make a purchase?

Having similar items means you already have something fulfilling that purpose, and buying more is unnecessary and wasteful. Save money by using what you already own.

Q: Why should you avoid using credit cards for purchases?

Credit cards can lead to debt, as they involve borrowing money. To save money and be frugal, only make purchases if you have the money to buy the item outright.

Q: Why is comfort more important than style when it comes to purchasing shoes?

Saving money means only buying what you need. If a pair of shoes is uncomfortable, you won't wear it often, making it a wasted purchase. Prioritize comfort over style to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Q: How can failing to update your budget affect your ability to save money?

If you haven't updated your budget for a while and go shopping, you may overspend and go against frugal living. Regularly updating your budget allows you to track your expenses and ensure you don't overspend.

Q: How can peer pressure affect your ability to save money?

Shopping with friends and family may lead to peer pressure to spend on things you don't need. Communicate your goal to save money and practice frugal living, so they can support you in making wise purchasing decisions.

Q: How can you avoid compulsive shopping habits?

Identify triggers that cause you to want to shop. For example, if shopping is a way to cope with stress, find cheaper or free alternatives to de-stress, breaking the habit of compulsive shopping.

Q: Why should you assess if you would buy an item if nobody would see it?

Buying something solely to impress others is not aligned with saving money and frugal living. Focus on impressing people through your personal qualities rather than material possessions.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • It is important to make the most of what you already have and only buy when necessary or to replace something that is broken.

  • Be mindful of paying with credit cards, as they can lead to debt and hinder your saving efforts.

  • Focus on being recognized for your lifestyle and who you are as a person, rather than seeking admiration for material possessions.

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