60 and BROKE, Why You Will NEVER Retire | Summary and Q&A

July 10, 2023
Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA
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60 and BROKE, Why You Will NEVER Retire


Older investors are keeping a significant portion of their portfolios in stocks, which can be risky as they approach retirement.

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Key Insights

  • 🥹 Many older investors are holding a significant portion of their portfolios in stocks, potentially exposing themselves to unnecessary risk.
  • 🤩 Diversification and asset allocation are key to protecting investments as retirement approaches.
  • 🦺 Shifting to safer assets, such as bonds and stable sectors, can provide stability and income during retirement.
  • 🤕 Following the 110 investing rule can help determine an appropriate allocation to stocks based on age.
  • 🌱 Market crashes can significantly impact retirement plans, emphasizing the importance of protecting investments.
  • 💐 Real estate stocks can offer diversification and cash flow, but they can also be volatile and require careful consideration.
  • ✋ Energy stocks present an opportunity for value investors, as they are currently underperforming but can rebound with higher oil prices.
  • ☠️ Inflation, earnings reports, and interest rate hikes are crucial factors to monitor when making investment decisions.


hey bowtie Nation Joseph Holger thank you for joining us for another Monday market update 9 A.M Eastern every Monday morning get you ready for the week stocks to watch economic news that could highlight the week and frankly I'm having a little bit of a Deja Vu this week okay it's from an article in the Wall Street Journal on how much older investor... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why are older investors holding such a large percentage of their portfolios in stocks?

Older investors may believe that keeping a high percentage in stocks will provide them with the growth they need to fund their retirement years. They may also fear missing out on potential returns by shifting to safer assets.

Q: How can investing heavily in stocks be risky as retirement approaches?

Market crashes can severely impact stock prices, causing significant losses for investors heavily invested in stocks. This can disrupt retirement plans and prolong the need to work.

Q: What is the 110 investing rule?

The 110 investing rule suggests subtracting your age from 110 to determine the percentage of your portfolio to allocate to stocks. For example, a 50-year-old investor would allocate 60% to stocks and the rest to bonds and other assets.

Q: What should investors nearing retirement consider when adjusting their portfolios?

It is crucial to start shifting towards safer assets no later than 10 years before retiring. This can involve increasing allocations to bonds and diversifying into sectors like Consumer Staples, Healthcare, and utilities, which provide stability even during market downturns.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Many investors aged 55 and older are holding 70% or more of their portfolio in stocks, which can be dangerous as retirement nears.

  • Investing heavily in stocks without diversifying can lead to devastating losses, as seen in past market crashes.

  • Following a few simple rules, such as adjusting your portfolio based on your age and gradually shifting to safer assets, can help protect your investments as you approach retirement.

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