5 Rules for When to Sell Stocks | Summary and Q&A

October 18, 2020
Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA
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5 Rules for When to Sell Stocks


Learn the important reasons for having a solid exit plan when investing in stocks to reduce stress and make more informed decisions.

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Key Insights

  • 🏣 Scandals and major lawsuits should be closely monitored for post-event accountability and management actions to prevent future occurrences.
  • 🥺 Excessive debt accumulation can lead to financial instability and increase the risk of bankruptcy.
  • 🌸 Loss of faith in management can signal potential long-term issues with a company's performance and growth prospects.
  • 🧚 Regularly assessing a stock's fair value is crucial to ensure it aligns with the original investment thesis and valuation criteria.
  • 🌸 Fundamental changes in a company's outlook, such as the loss of a competitive advantage, should prompt a reevaluation of investment decisions.
  • ⌛ Timing the sale of a stock based solely on price fluctuations can be misleading, as investors should consider the underlying reasons behind the stock's performance.


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Questions & Answers

Q: What should investors do when a company faces a scandal or major lawsuit?

When a company experiences a scandal or lawsuit, it is crucial to assess whether there is accountability and management's efforts to address the issue. If there is no accountability or actions taken to prevent future occurrences, it may be a red flag to sell the stock to avoid further problems.

Q: How does excessive debt accumulation impact an investment?

When a company embarks on a debt-fueled buying spree, it can lead to financial instability and an increased risk of bankruptcy. It is important to monitor the company's ability to manage debt and whether the acquisitions translate into improved financial performance.

Q: What should investors do when they lose faith in management?

If investors consistently witness missed expectations, underperformance in operating margins, and a lack of accountability from management, it may be a sign to sell the stock. Management plays a crucial role in the long-term success of a company, and losing confidence in their abilities can warrant reevaluating investment decisions.

Q: Is it important to reassess the fair value of a stock over time?

Yes, it is essential to periodically review the fair value of a stock, especially if it has experienced significant price increases. If the stock no longer aligns with the valuation criteria that initially attracted the investor, it may be time to divest and seek other investment opportunities.

Q: How do fundamental changes in a company's outlook impact investment decisions?

Fundamental changes, such as a loss of competitive advantage or a shift in industry dynamics, can affect the long-term viability of a company. Investors should reassess their investment thesis to determine if the company can adapt to or overcome these changes. If not, it may be wise to sell the stock and reallocate funds elsewhere.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • It is crucial for both stock traders and long-term investors to have a clear plan for when to sell a stock to minimize stress and make better investment decisions.

  • Five key reasons for selling a stock include: lack of accountability after a scandal or major lawsuit, excessive debt accumulation, loss of faith in management, fair value being reached, and fundamental changes in the company's outlook.

  • Timing the sale of a stock based solely on price fluctuations can be misleading, as it is important to consider the underlying reasons behind the stock's performance.

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