3d curl formula, part 1 | Summary and Q&A

May 27, 2016
Khan Academy
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3d curl formula, part 1


This video explains how to compute the three-dimensional curl of a vector field using partial differential operators and the cross-product.

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Key Insights

  • 👨‍🦱 Three-dimensional curl represents rotation induced by a vector field.
  • 😵 Curl is computed using the del operator and the cross-product.
  • 👷 The computation involves constructing a determinant with unit vectors and the vector field's component functions.
  • 😵 Understanding the cross-product and its properties is crucial for computing and interpreting the curl.
  • 🚚 The del operator is a symbolic representation of partial differential operators.
  • 👨‍🦱 The formula for three-dimensional curl is derived through the computation of a determinant.
  • 😥 Curl is a vector-valued function that indicates the rotation at each point.


  • [Voiceover] So I've spent a couple videos laying down the foundation for what three-dimensional curl is trying to represent, and here I'm going to go ahead and talk about how you actually compute it. Three-d curl is the kind of thing that you take with regards to a three-dimensional vector field. So something that takes in a three-dimensional poi... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is three-dimensional curl and why is it important?

Three-dimensional curl measures the rotation induced by a vector field at different points in space. It is important in fluid dynamics and electromagnetism to understand the behavior of the flow or field.

Q: How is the curl of a vector field computed?

The curl is computed by taking the cross-product between the del operator (nabla) and the vector field, represented by its component functions P, Q, and R. The result is a vector that describes the rotation.

Q: Why is the cross-product used in the computation of curl?

The cross-product is used because it combines the directional information of the del operator with the vector field, resulting in a measure of rotation. It allows for the computation of the curl in three dimensions.

Q: What is the significance of constructing a determinant in computing the curl?

Constructing a determinant with unit vectors, partial differential operators, and component functions helps simplify the computation of the three-dimensional curl. It allows for the derivation of the formula for the curl.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Three-dimensional curl represents the rotation induced by a vector field at any given point in space.

  • The curl is computed using partial differential operators and the cross-product between the del operator and the vector field.

  • The computation involves constructing a determinant with unit vectors, partial differential operators, and the component functions of the vector field.

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