3 tips to boost your confidence - TED-Ed | Summary and Q&A

October 6, 2015
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3 tips to boost your confidence - TED-Ed


Confidence comes from a combination of self-esteem, optimism, and courage. It can be developed through personal choices and practical tips.

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Key Insights

  • ๐Ÿคณ Confidence is a combination of self-esteem, optimism, and courage.
  • ๐Ÿ–๏ธ Genetics and environment impact confidence, but personal choices play a significant role.
  • ๐Ÿ’ Practical tips for boosting confidence include visualizing success, adopting a growth mindset, and embracing failure.
  • ๐Ÿฅบ Developing a growth mindset leads to better performance and resilience in the face of challenges.
  • ๐Ÿ’— The brain's connections grow stronger with study and practice, supporting the concept of a growth mindset.
  • ๐Ÿ†˜ Failure is a natural part of the learning process and can help individuals respond constructively to setbacks.
  • ๐Ÿ›๏ธ Accepting challenges, making mistakes, and being kind to oneself are essential for building confidence.


Translator: Jennifer Cody Reviewer: Jessica Ruby When faced with a big challenge where potential failure seems to lurk at every corner, maybe you've heard this advice before: "Be more confident." And most likely, this is what you think when you hear it: "If only it were that simple." But what is confidence? Take the belief that you are valuable, wo... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is confidence and how does it help in facing challenges?

Confidence is the belief in one's own value and abilities, which enables individuals to take action and face challenges head-on. It turns thoughts into actions and promotes courage.

Q: What are the factors that impact confidence?

Confidence is influenced by genetics, social environment, and personal choices. While genetics and environment play a role, individuals have control over the choices they make and how they respond to challenges.

Q: How can one boost their confidence in the short term?

Quick fixes for an immediate confidence boost include visualizing success, listening to music with deep bass, striking a powerful pose, and giving oneself a pep talk.

Q: How can a growth mindset contribute to long-term confidence development?

Believing that abilities and talents can be improved, like a muscle, cultivates a growth mindset. This mindset sees challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, leading to higher confidence levels.

Q: What is confidence and how does it help in facing challenges?

Confidence is the belief in one's own value and abilities, which enables individuals to take action and face challenges head-on. It turns thoughts into actions and promotes courage.

More Insights

  • Confidence is a combination of self-esteem, optimism, and courage.

  • Genetics and environment impact confidence, but personal choices play a significant role.

  • Practical tips for boosting confidence include visualizing success, adopting a growth mindset, and embracing failure.

  • Developing a growth mindset leads to better performance and resilience in the face of challenges.

  • The brain's connections grow stronger with study and practice, supporting the concept of a growth mindset.

  • Failure is a natural part of the learning process and can help individuals respond constructively to setbacks.

  • Accepting challenges, making mistakes, and being kind to oneself are essential for building confidence.

  • Confidence is not solely about the outcome but also about gaining knowledge and understanding through the process.


Confidence is the belief in your own value and abilities, coupled with optimism and the courage to face challenges head-on. It is influenced by genetic factors, social pressures, and personal choices. While it is not possible to completely separate these factors, we have the power to cultivate our own confidence through practical tips. These tips include using quick fixes like visualizing success and listening to powerful music, believing in our ability to improve by adopting a growth mindset, and embracing failure as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is confidence?

Confidence is the combination of self-esteem, the belief in one's value and worth, and the optimism that arises from being certain of one's abilities. It empowers individuals to take action and face challenges courageously.

Q: What factors impact confidence?

Several factors influence confidence. These include genetic predispositions, such as the balance of neurochemicals in the brain, the social pressures of one's environment, and personal choices, such as the risks taken and the response to challenges and setbacks.

Q: Can we cultivate our own confidence?

Absolutely! While confidence is influenced by various factors, we have the power to cultivate it through practical tips and strategies. By making conscious choices and applying these tips, we can enhance our level of confidence.

Q: What is a quick fix for a confidence boost?

Quick fixes can provide an immediate confidence boost. Some tricks include visualizing success before beginning a difficult task, listening to music with deep bass to evoke feelings of power, striking a powerful pose, or giving oneself a pep talk.

Q: How can our beliefs about our abilities impact confidence?

Our beliefs about whether our abilities are fixed or can be developed are crucial. If we have a fixed mindset, thinking that our talents are innate and unchangeable, setbacks may lead to giving up. On the other hand, a growth mindset, believing that abilities can be improved with effort and practice, enables us to see challenges as opportunities for learning and growth.

Q: What does neuroscience say about a growth mindset?

Neuroscience supports the concept of a growth mindset. It reveals that the connections in our brains can become stronger and grow through study and practice. Individuals with a growth mindset tend to achieve more success, perform better in the face of challenges, and obtain higher grades.

Q: How can we embrace failure to build confidence?

Failure is inevitable at times, and embracing it is essential for developing confidence. Those who experience failure regularly and persist despite it are better equipped to respond constructively to challenges and setbacks. They learn alternative strategies, seek advice from others, and demonstrate perseverance.

Q: How should we approach a challenge to foster confidence?

When facing a challenge, it is important to accept that it won't be easy and that mistakes will likely occur. Being kind to ourselves when we make mistakes and giving ourselves a pep talk can help build confidence. Ultimately, it is crucial to stand up and go for it, knowing that irrespective of the outcome, we will gain greater knowledge and understanding.

Q: How does confidence transform thoughts into action?

Confidence provides the motivation and courage to turn thoughts into action. When individuals believe in their own value and capabilities, they are more likely to take the necessary steps to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

Q: What is the result of cultivating confidence?

The result of cultivating confidence is a sense of empowerment and the ability to face challenges head-on. It allows individuals to act courageously, learn from failures, and grow both personally and professionally.


Confidence is a combination of self-esteem, optimism, and the courage to face challenges. It stems from a variety of factors, including genetics, social influences, and personal choices. We can cultivate confidence by utilizing quick fixes, adopting a growth mindset, and embracing failure as an opportunity to learn. By following these practical tips and strategies, we can develop our own confidence and enhance our ability to navigate life's challenges with resilience and determination.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Confidence is a belief in one's own value, worth, and abilities, which empowers individuals to take action.

  • Factors that impact confidence include genetics, environment, and personal choices.

  • Practical tips for boosting confidence include visualizing success, developing a growth mindset, and embracing failure as an opportunity to learn and grow.

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