3 steps to fix your relationship with money | Anna Hartwell | TEDxNCState | Summary and Q&A

May 24, 2024
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3 steps to fix your relationship with money | Anna Hartwell | TEDxNCState


Overcoming scarcity mindset is crucial for developing a wealth-building mindset; being intentional, setting clear goals, and maintaining a positive mindset are key.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Scarcity mindset can hinder personal and financial growth, preventing individuals from embracing abundance.
  • πŸ›οΈ Being intentional and clear about financial goals is crucial for cultivating a wealth-building mindset.
  • πŸ†˜ A positive mindset attracts opportunities and helps in overcoming financial challenges.
  • πŸ₯Ί Trusting instincts and staying true to values can lead to unexpected financial blessings.
  • 🌸 Taking calculated risks and scaling back when necessary can protect investments from significant losses.
  • 😫 Setting specific intentions and maintaining focus can drive wealth creation.
  • ❓ Clarity provides direction and eliminates confusion, enabling effective resource allocation.


so imagine I'm sitting alone in my apartment my spacious living room is devoid of furniture my self impros frugality driven by a mindset of scarcity it wasn't that I couldn't afford to furnish my apartment I had plenty of money but I had a fear of running out of money see I was building a business and I had quit my regular job that paid me a steady... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can being intentional help in cultivating a wealth-building mindset?

Being intentional means having a clear understanding of what you want and why. It allows you to align your actions and decisions with your financial goals, increasing the likelihood of success. By setting specific intentions, you bring focus and direction to your wealth-building journey.

Q: Why is having a positive mindset important for building wealth?

Money is not just about mathematics; it is also about mindset. A positive mindset helps in attracting opportunities and abundance. It allows you to believe in your ability to create wealth and make wise financial decisions. By maintaining positivity, you set yourself up for a prosperous financial future.

Q: How can clarity contribute to wealth creation?

Clarity provides a clear vision of your financial goals and helps you make informed decisions. It eliminates confusion and allows you to focus on specific actions needed for wealth creation. With clarity, you can prioritize your resources effectively and direct them towards achieving your desired financial outcomes.

Q: Is pursuing wealth a selfish desire?

No, desiring wealth is not inherently selfish. It is a desire for a fulfilling life and the ability to live authentically. Pursuing wealth allows individuals to support themselves and others, positively impacting their communities and making a difference in the world.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The individual in the video realized the negative impact of her scarcity mindset and decided to embrace a mindset of prosperity to live a fulfilling life.

  • Being intentional and clear about one's financial goals is necessary for cultivating a wealth-building mindset.

  • Money is not only about numbers; mindset plays a significant role. Trusting instincts and staying true to values can lead to unexpected financial blessings.

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