25 EXTREME Fugal Living Tips That Actually Work in 2022 | Summary and Q&A

September 2, 2022
Investor Weekly
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25 EXTREME Fugal Living Tips That Actually Work in 2022


Discover practical and cost-effective ways to save money and live frugally in various areas of your life.

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Key Insights

  • 💐 Utilizing solar panels can help lower energy bills and make the most of renewable resources.
  • 💦 Practices like "weight water" and growing taller grass can help save on water usage and costs.
  • 👱 DIY air conditioners, buying produce in season, and practicing energy-saving habits are effective frugal living tips.
  • 💾 Getting familiar with average food prices and using water-saving tools like showerheads and faucet aerators can help you save money.
  • 💨 Understanding your grocery store layout and collecting rainwater are additional ways to be frugal.
  • 🥺 Small adjustments like turning off the shower and using cotton sheets can also lead to significant savings.
  • 😒 Savings can be achieved by avoiding unnecessary expenses, like delivery fees for takeout and the excessive use of water for cleaning.


in this video we're going to show you 25 extreme frugal living tips that actually work number one rotate your ceiling fan counterclockwise believe it or not the extreme frugal living tip using the counter clockwise option on your fan is the most effective way to cool your house down in the summer months because it actually lines up with the angle o... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can rotating my ceiling fan counterclockwise help cool my house?

By using the counter-clockwise option, the fan aligns with the angle of the blades, effectively circulating cool air and cooling down your house during the summer months.

Q: Are solar panels a practical way to save money on energy bills?

Yes, solar panels harness the sun's energy, providing a renewable source of power and reducing your dependence on traditional energy sources, thereby lowering your energy bills.

Q: How can I save water and practice frugal living?

One way is to utilize "weight water" for purposes like watering plants, as it is still usable water and can help you conserve water and save money.

Q: How can curtains help lower air conditioning costs?

Closing curtains during times of peak heat can block out the sun's heat, reducing the need for excessive air conditioning and ultimately lowering your energy costs.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Rotate your ceiling fan counterclockwise in the summer to effectively cool your house.

  • Use solar panels to lower your energy bills and make the most of the sun.

  • Save on water by utilizing "weight water" for other purposes like watering plants.

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