Rene Carrillo


"It says that in zoology you can predict the mood and behavior of one chimp by observing which five chimps they hang out with the most."
Rene Carrillo
The Five Chimps Theory
"Similarly, Jim Rohn said that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with."
Rene Carrillo
The Five Chimps Theory
"So this idea tells us that if we want to grow as a person, we should be mindful who we are hanging around with. Success gurus tell us that we should discard these people if they are toxic and if their life values are not aligned with ours."
Rene Carrillo
The Five Chimps Theory
"So, I have decided to not listen to the experts this time. I do not mean giving up on my dreams, but more like continue on this journey WITHOUT giving up on those close to me that for whatever reason, decided that life is just fine the way it is."
Rene Carrillo
The Five Chimps Theory
"They can make their own conclusions as where they fall in."
Rene Carrillo
The Five Chimps Theory

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