Peter Weltman


"Gartner defined generative AI as AI that “learns from existing content artifacts to generate new, realistic artifacts that reflect the characteristics of the training data, but do not repeat it.”"
Peter Weltman
Generative AI may be the magic potion small marketing agencies have been waiting for
"While new AI tools are changing marketing, they’re not entirely replacing human marketers."
Peter Weltman
Generative AI may be the magic potion small marketing agencies have been waiting for
"While the AI’s capacity to make new things possible was unmistakable, these tasks were best executed with an expert’s touch at the end to make final decisions."
Peter Weltman
Generative AI may be the magic potion small marketing agencies have been waiting for
"According to a blog by Sequoia Capital, this technology will help users “thrive from a tight iterative creative cycle between human and machine.”"
Peter Weltman
Generative AI may be the magic potion small marketing agencies have been waiting for
"Not only can these increase anyone’s imaginative capacity, but Sequoia believes that generative AI can make workers at least 10% more efficient and/or creative."
Peter Weltman
Generative AI may be the magic potion small marketing agencies have been waiting for
"If someone is generally a visual artist, I suggest using AI-generated content sparingly at first and pay attention to what it comes up with."
Peter Weltman
Generative AI may be the magic potion small marketing agencies have been waiting for
"While they may be generating the final product, starting slowly will help users define input processes — thus fostering unique and on-brand outcomes."
Peter Weltman
Generative AI may be the magic potion small marketing agencies have been waiting for
"One key element of a marketer’s job is to craft foundational brand elements — from written messaging and position to brand logos, colors and more — and constantly tweak concepts on the go."
Peter Weltman
Generative AI may be the magic potion small marketing agencies have been waiting for
"According to his report, “Human-produced content creation will never be fast enough to address the need for personalized content at scale, and in the next year, we expect to see at least 10% of [Fortune 500] companies invest in AI-supported digital content creation.”"
Peter Weltman
Generative AI may be the magic potion small marketing agencies have been waiting for
"Campaigns still require expert oversight at the end to ensure that content is fully within a brand’s ethos and are deployed in the right place and at the right time."
Peter Weltman
Generative AI may be the magic potion small marketing agencies have been waiting for
"However, make no mistake: these processes will soon become fully intertwined with human-powered content creation."
Peter Weltman
Generative AI may be the magic potion small marketing agencies have been waiting for

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