Nick Routley


"Google has already been in the AI game for years now"
Nick Routley
Decoding Google’s AI Ambitions (and Anxiety)
"Bard is going to make Google search more ChatGPT-like"
Nick Routley
Decoding Google’s AI Ambitions (and Anxiety)
"Google is only late to the party because they’ve been careful"
Nick Routley
Decoding Google’s AI Ambitions (and Anxiety)
"Fearing the “reputational damage” that could come from rolling products out prematurely, the company has been forced to move slower than the market now expects."
Nick Routley
Decoding Google’s AI Ambitions (and Anxiety)
"Let the jockeying for position begin."
Nick Routley
Decoding Google’s AI Ambitions (and Anxiety)

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