Mihir Patkar


"Glasp calls itself a social web highlighter, so the emphasis is obviously on sharing your highlights and notes with others."
Mihir Patkar
5 Online Highlighter Extensions to Annotate Web Pages and Save Notes
"You can select any text on a web page (or PDF, Kindle, and YouTube) and highlight it using one of four colors."
Mihir Patkar
5 Online Highlighter Extensions to Annotate Web Pages and Save Notes
"If you share the page with friends, you can toggle between users to see what others have highlighted instead of you."
Mihir Patkar
5 Online Highlighter Extensions to Annotate Web Pages and Save Notes
"Glasp's coolest part is exporting and sharing highlights and notes. In one click, you can copy all your annotations and paste it in a note-taking app of your choice, and it appears as well-formatted notes."
Mihir Patkar
5 Online Highlighter Extensions to Annotate Web Pages and Save Notes
"You can also download notes as a TXT, CSV, or MD file. Additionally, each highlight can be turned into a beautiful card to be shared as a quote on Twitter, all in a couple of clicks."
Mihir Patkar
5 Online Highlighter Extensions to Annotate Web Pages and Save Notes
"YouTube creators have the option to add a transcript of their full video or not. As a user, you have no control over this. Many times, all you want is a transcript to quickly browse through what the video is going to say so that you can know if it's worth your time."
Mihir Patkar
6 Amazing ChatGPT Chrome Extensions for Better AI Prompts and Answers in Browsers
"If you're already midway through the video, you can jump to the current time in the transcript. And you can copy-paste the transcript anywhere."
Mihir Patkar
6 Amazing ChatGPT Chrome Extensions for Better AI Prompts and Answers in Browsers
"The extension also has a button to view an AI-generated summary of the video. Clicking this takes you to ChatGPT, with the transcript already typed in the prompt."
Mihir Patkar
6 Amazing ChatGPT Chrome Extensions for Better AI Prompts and Answers in Browsers
"You can also add further prompts for more details regarding specific parts of the video without having to watch the full thing."
Mihir Patkar
6 Amazing ChatGPT Chrome Extensions for Better AI Prompts and Answers in Browsers

Want to Save Quotes?

Glasp is a social web highlighter that people can highlight and organize quotes and thoughts from the web, and access other like-minded people’s learning.