Maarten Dalmijn


"When you obsess over perfecting your Scrum, you will never deliver value."
Maarten Dalmijn
Doing perfect Scrum doesn’t mean you are delivering value
"Here’s a follow-up question to help you along: what does Scrum offer to ensure you deliver value?"
Maarten Dalmijn
Doing perfect Scrum doesn’t mean you are delivering value
"Here are some more hints. Does Scrum provide answers to any of the following questions:"
Maarten Dalmijn
Doing perfect Scrum doesn’t mean you are delivering value
"Let me spoil it for you: no. Scrum provides zero answers to any of these questions."
Maarten Dalmijn
Doing perfect Scrum doesn’t mean you are delivering value
"Perfect Scrum only ensures the following:"
Maarten Dalmijn
Doing perfect Scrum doesn’t mean you are delivering value
"You’ve built a Product Increment that satisfies the Sprint Goal and meets the Definition of Done. The Sprint Goal is a step towards realizing your Product Goal and Product Vision."
Maarten Dalmijn
Doing perfect Scrum doesn’t mean you are delivering value
"As Paddy Corry has beautifully said, the done in the Definition of Done doesn’t mean done. It means ready for feedback."
Maarten Dalmijn
Doing perfect Scrum doesn’t mean you are delivering value
"The biggest obstacle to delivering value isn’t doing Scrum right. It’s crossing the value delivery chasm."
Maarten Dalmijn
Doing perfect Scrum doesn’t mean you are delivering value
"Scrum doesn’t ensure that what you’re doing is valuable and that’s by design. It’s a purposefully incomplete process framework after all."
Maarten Dalmijn
Doing perfect Scrum doesn’t mean you are delivering value
"Let’s talk less about Scrum and talk more about how we can deliver value better."
Maarten Dalmijn
Doing perfect Scrum doesn’t mean you are delivering value

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