Jessica Hagy


"The real wins come from reading the room you’re in, and chasing the virtues you’ve been told about a bit less than ALL THE TIME."
Jessica Hagy
10 Parabolas of Moderation
"Be a little unpredictable."
Jessica Hagy
10 Parabolas of Moderation
"Give all possibilities some slack, but not too much."
Jessica Hagy
10 Parabolas of Moderation
"Have some boundaries based on your own comfort."
Jessica Hagy
10 Parabolas of Moderation
"Whatever you’re really into, get out of it every now any then."
Jessica Hagy
10 Parabolas of Moderation
"The cozy bowl of being social but not THAT social is where you want to be."
Jessica Hagy
10 Parabolas of Moderation
"You need to have a few dreams, but not TOO many or you’ll break your own heart."
Jessica Hagy
10 Parabolas of Moderation
"Don’t frighten the audience."
Jessica Hagy
10 Parabolas of Moderation
"The devil has enough advocates."
Jessica Hagy
10 Parabolas of Moderation
"Care less to avoid heart attacks."
Jessica Hagy
10 Parabolas of Moderation

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